[NEWS] 1.10.1 patch release available!

RPG Paper Maker

RPG Paper Maker is a game making engine, free for non commercial use, allowing you to create a 3D universe with many 2D sprites and even 3D objects using a simple interface for all available platforms: Windows, Linux, and MacOS.

[h1]New features:[/h1][list][*]When adding a new state in an object, the state content will be the default common object first state[*]Main menu: confirm when quitting[*]Increase BoundingBox of empty object so it's a 16px cube[*]Commands: change grey syntax color to purple[*]Keypress / mouse events: small text warning that it can only be triggered by the Hero[*]Adding a clear message error when need to define as hero[*]System hero model: fusion of properties camera moving[*]Clear error message when a tileset pciture is not a size multiple of square size[*]Add troop in list Team/Reserve/Hidden (change statistics, status etc)[*]Command move object: 1 to hero is also moving in diagonal if possible[*]File > Open BR folder[*]Debug options: button to synchronize map objects if object linking issue still happening[*]Display ID of the map in map properties[*]BoundingBoxes: show detections[/list][h1]Fixes:[/h1][list][*]Tileset picture not displayed correctly when switching selection[*]Translation not working for pixel perfect[*]Error window for pictures undefined in some specific cases[*]Screen resolution: issue time currency window in main menu[*]Screen resolution: icons issues for skills/items menus[*]Command enter a name wrong menu position[*]Mountain issue blocked with high square blocks in particular situation[*]Collisions not working with two following slopes down[*]Terrain value issue when teleporting object[*]Error when trying to change statistic of an enemy instance ID[*]Translation / Scaling sprites with layer > 0 crashing[*]Command move object / battle effect: html balises visible in some cases[*]Command condition: if test variable < or >, text is not showing completely[*]Missing collisions on some autotiles/walls/3D objects[*]When moving an event in an object events list, the reaction tabs are not updated[*]Objects listing issue when using teleport command object on a not saved map[*]Try fix rare corrupted JSON issue[*]Backups not working for Windows[*]Command delete object from map: if try to delete a deleted object, it deletes the hero[/list]