[NEWS] 2.0.0 release available!

RPG Paper Maker

RPG Paper Maker is a game making engine, free for non commercial use, allowing you to create a 3D universe with many 2D sprites and even 3D objects using a simple interface for all available platforms: Windows, Linux, and MacOS.

[h1]New features:[/h1][list][*]Climbing system[*]Objects 3D: choose location centered or grounded[*]Orthographic camera option[*]Command move object: draw a way preview[*]Create / Edit object: put window on a side so the object is still visible[*]Hide commands window when editing one[*]Command stop sound[*]Command display / hide an enemy[*]Command transform an enemy[*]Statistic: add option to display damage name + currency name[*]Loading bar while creating a project[*]Battle map: command start a battle option default battle map and add it in tileset[*]Characteristics: assign element[*]Languages: dictionary with all missing words in game[*]New example game[*]Monster: status in condition action monster[*]Objects: option to set center/angle/scale values[*]3D models rotate with characters orientation[*]Backup option to disable + backup only datas[*]Switch button to display a currency or not on the main menu / shop list[*]Plugins: change to avoid the use of getValue() on complex objects[*]New title screen and battle music![*]Change battler graphics command[*]Saved maps are now in a temp file[*]Facesets for other missing characters[*]Backup option select time between each save and max number backups[*]Warning message for basic and hero model[/list][h1]Fixes:[/h1][list][*]Improve 3D objects objects position (wrong selft detection position)[*]Command move object: change graphics changing orientation even if option activated[*]General autotile texture is haunted[*]Ingame states description UI more readable[*]Issues with status: released when attacked wrongly calculated, animation still displayed when released[*]Allow/Forbid weapons/armors characteristics not working on weapons/armors[*]Update model hero to disable camera moving property when entering a new map[*]Time event with repeat off is not working in teleported maps for hero[*]Adding a message error when selecting a non existing object ID in a command[*]Open BR menu can be opened without project opened[*]Some translations issues[*]Fix chest default size[*]Statistics not working for monster action condition[*]Teleport an object with a moving route not working properly[*]Shop: use variable to buy not working[*]Error message issue when synch wrong with hero[*]Saved game might get an error if map size changed[*]Custom 3D objects rotated and scaled not drawn at correct position in game[*]Crash sometimes when resizing a map with mountains deleted[*]Inputs initialized before running plugins[*]Moutains portions crash if drawing with rectangle in preview[*]Autotiles and mountains portions drawing issues with rectangle in preview[*]Enemy using skill attacking all targets not working[*]Skybox: clouds name replaced by day[*]Copy conditions command with property in common reaction make crash[*]Models might crash engine sometimes if trying to delete one[*]Impossible to export standalone on Mac OS when using Mac OS[/list]