[NEWS] 2.0.8 patch release available!

RPG Paper Maker

RPG Paper Maker is a game making engine, free for non commercial use, allowing you to create a 3D universe with many 2D sprites and even 3D objects using a simple interface for all available platforms: Windows, Linux, and MacOS.

[h1]New features:[/h1][list][*]Add DLC button on toolbar[*]Temporarly disabling protect datas in export standalone[*]Reseting time events when changing a state of an object[*]Update default cameras Y offset for being 8px height (centered for hero)[*]Move camera closer to hero when camera facing wall or mountains[/list][h1]Fixes:[/h1][list][*]Crash ingame for some collisions[*]Collisions detection not correctly working in specific cases[*]Sunlight sometimes making crash for walls[*]Sometimes saves are making crash when objects where moved[*]Change screen tone command not applying to skybox[*]Command move object change graphics not correctly updating index X when don't change orientation option[*]Export web not working anymore since shadows adding[*]Detection not always correctly sent according to orientation[*]Chronometer not displayed on correct position on different screen resolution[*]Several autotiles/mountains using same picture not correctly displaying ingame[*]SHIFT holding sometimes tracing a weird line in editor[*]Map background image not working[*]Creating troop making crash if battle map was deleted[*]Change state in startup object not executing reactions in other state[/list]