Patchnotes v1.1.0 - Content Update


Collect food to evolve and fight for your life against enemy cells in this deep underwater, survivor-like, roguelite experience. Unlock parts to customize your character and become your own unique cell.

Hi :) After the release of Cellfish I received a bunch of wonderful feedback about the game; enough that I thought: “I should add some of these things”. So I did. I’ve been hard at work adding more content to the game which you can read more about in these patchnotes. [b]Abilities[/b] [list] [*] Added Orbit ability [*] Added Orbit evolutions to all other abilities [*] Reworked Dash upgrades. [*] Reworked Heal. Heal is now on a cooldown that you can affect with various upgrades [/list] [b]Split projectile ability[/b] [list] [*] Removed projectile size upgrade [*] Added projectile lifetime upgrade [*] Now starts with 1 piercing to make up for early weakness [*] Boomerang evolution is now not affected by framerate anymore [/list] [b]Explosion ability[/b] [list] [*] Reworked ability. When activated you fire a chain of explosions in front of you [*] Chain zap evolution now makes killed enemies zap other nearby enemies [*] Mines evolution, lesser explosions now have improved targetting [/list] [b]Boomerang ability[/b] [list] [*] Updated upgrade sprite colors [*] Projectile now keeps hitting enemies that spawn inside it [*] Decreased ability cooldown [*] Removed catch cooldown decrease [*] Removed distance upgrade [*] Added linger upgrade, allowing the projectile to linger at its maximum distance before returning [/list] [b]Chain zap ability[/b] [list] [*] Boomerang evolution now adds more, and faster, chains [/list] [b]Mines ability[/b] [list] [*] Chain zap evolution now makes the first set of shells explode into more shells, which then turn into fragments. This is now compatible with the Boomerang evolution [*] Tweaked the angle of which shells are shot from [/list] [b]Player Customization[/b] [list] [*] Added Jelly player body [*] Added Roots player body [/list] [b]Gamemodes[/b] [list] [*] Reworked difficulties into gamemodes [*] Added new Double Boss gamemode [/list] [b]Upgrades[/b] [list] [*] Global cooldown multiplier upgrade now shows as a percentage [*] Chance to avoid damage upgrade now shows as a percentage [/list] [b]Areas[/b] [list] [*] Added background objects to the Abyss area [*] Changed background objects in the Roots area [/list] [b]Enemies[/b] [list] [*] Reworked how common and special enemies are spawned. Each area now has a common, and a special, enemy type. [*] Added a new special enemy to the Leaves area [*] Added a new special enemy to the Crystal area [*] Added a new special enemy to the Jelly area [*] Added a new special enemy to the Kelp area [*] Added a new common enemy to the Roots area [*] Added a new common enemy to the Abyss area [*] Updated the Kelp boss to work in the new gamemode [*] Updated the Abyss boss to work in the new gamemode [*] Increased the Eye Shooter enemy cooldown [*] Increased the radius of the Volatile enemy explosion [*] Removed shaking from the Puff enemy [*] Fixed an issue where the Puff enemy would be at max radius before it finished animating [*] Tweaked the weak points of the Leaves boss (Eye boss) [*] Reworked the Jelly boss and increased its difficulty [*] Added shield visual effect to Jelly boss [*] Decreased the volume of Crystal enemies when they are farther away [*] Decreased time cells are invincible when spawning from a multicell [*] Added animation to boss health duds for better visibility [*] Bosses that create arenas now destroy obstacles inside [/list] [b]Tweaks and bugfixes[/b] [list] [*] Added a button rebind category for keyboard players in the Options menu [*] Fixed an issue where dashing into obstacles would leave you stuck until the dash was fully completed [*] Fixed an issue where the game would crash if upgrading the radius of the Zap ability [*] Fixed an issue where the player would be pushed back way farther than intended [*] Improved the radial menu selection when using keyboard [*] Improved camera follow logic [*] Mouse now hides if no input is received from it [*] Ability and player stats are now shown in the pause menu [*] Changed ‘Main Menu’ button in pause menu to ‘End Run’ [*] Updated Credits [*] Tutorial input now does not show ability input if ability does not use input [*] Improved performance of various sound effects [/list] [b]Achievements[/b] [list] [*] Added new achievements for winning in the new gamemode [*] Added new achievements for unlocking new player bodies [*] Added new achievements for the new Orbit ability [/list] I had a lot of feedback regarding an Endless mode, and I attempted to implement a version of it, but it became apparent that the game, as it is, does not mesh well with an endless mode. So, instead of including a half-working mode, I decided against it. I'm sorry if you were looking forward to this. I hope you can still enjoy the game as it is with the new gamemode :) If you encounter any bugs or unintended behaviour, please create a new thread on the message board here on Steam, and I will try to make sure it is fixed