Patchnotes 0.8003


Becastled is about building and defending your castle from sieges in a fantasy world!

[list] [*] added: new squads binds menu. It's now much easier to create and manage unit binds. Check out the new menu on the bottom left, near the free workers button. [img][/img] [*] added: ui scale setting [*] added: workers disapearance progress when mood is low [*] changed: buildings placed on hills will now dig a hole, this is fixing a lot of issues when previously a hill under a building will overlap other buildings causing problems in pathfinding later [*] changed: Golden age was removed for now [*] fixed: beertroot seed icon [*] fixed: food bonus from butchery for hunters [*] fixed: spelling in seasons duration setting [*] fixed: charcoal worker name [*] fixed: some game world names dont work correctly [/list]