New update is Live! Hospital, tents and more


Becastled is about building and defending your castle from sieges in a fantasy world!

Hey everyone, the new update is live! With this update we reworked a lot of the existing systems and added new ones to make the game more balanced and interesting to play. Check it out and let us know what do you think about it. Some details on new changes: [url=]Devlog: Hospitals, tents, herbalists and more[/url] Full list of changes: [list] [*] added: new building - Barracks [*] added: new building - Hospital [*] added: new building - Tent for injured units [*] added: new building - Herbalist [*] added: new building - Training arena [*] added: new building - Orchard [*] added: new wheat food production chain [*] added: new researches in the tech tree [*] added: combat difficulty can be changed during the game in settings [*] added: enemy attack force can be seen when selecting cell with an enemy spawn [*] added: detailed in-game tips on how some complex buildings work [*] added: animations for amount of resource produced in a sawmill / siege workshop / hunters / traps workshop [*] added: Manual unit teleportation back home from unit UI [*] changed: hunters now hunt across the map [*] changed: woodcutters also cut trees across the map [*] changed: research tree prices in wood/stone/iron/gold [*] changed: new market mechanics (resources have amount) [*] changed: church, library and observatory produce only mood for now [*] changed: vegetable fields now require seeds for construction. Seeds can be only obtained from trade [*] changed: upgraded trading UI [*] changed: farm size reduced [*] changed: non-combat notifications (like buildings that have no workers) are visible only during the day now. To not distract from combat at night [*] changed: storage lvl 1 now can store 1500 wood, and lvl 2 - 2250 wood [*] changed: siege machines now require 15 sun coins as maintenance, but siege ammo costs 20/30 suncoins. This way you can still have significant amount of siege machines on towers while actually using them is pretty expensive [*]changed: building production amount in ui is shown without */min* text [*] changed: new names for melee and ranged barracks [*] fixed: experience, level and upgrades saves correctly after warrior treatment [*] fixed: negative mood at night [*] fixed: stuck workers not teleporting home at night [*] fixed: building placing collisions during pause [*] fixed: gate placing while pause [*] fixed: tower collisions with another buildings while pause [*] fixed: castle banner now follows direction of all other banners correctly [*] fixed: windmill and market cloth now is lighted more correctly [*] fixed: tower door appearing above a fence wall [*] fixed: units upgrades price description [/list]