Patch Version 3.10 Now Available

Resident Evil Revelations 2

RE Revelations 2 continues the series acclaimed essential survival horror experience, while uncovering startling truths.

(日本語はこの英文メッセージに続きます / Japanese follows English) [b][u]Patch Notes[/u][/b][list] [*]Further optimized framerate performance by updating shader resources. [*]Fixed an issue where the game entered a paused state during movie cutscenes when the gamepad was disconnected. [*]Fixed an issue in Raid Mode multiplayer where the emblem did not display properly [/list] [b][u]更新履歴[/u][/b][list] [*]フレームレートの改善 [*]ゲームパッド非接続時、ゲーム中のムービー再生中にポーズ状態となってしまう不具合の修正 [*]レイドモードマルチプレイ時のエンブレム表示の不具合を修正 [/list]