One Late Night: Deadline continues the story of One Late Night, a horror/mystery game where you play the role of an office worker caught in the middle of the paranormal activity that has broken out in a seemingly ordinary office building. Freely explore the 5 story office complex that houses several different companies.
Patch version 1.0.5 is now available. This patch contains improvements to the objectives bar and the way it presents newly triggered and completed objectives. Also, some general tweaks and fixes and gameplay balancing.
[h1]Full list of changes[/h1]
[*]Objectives bar behavior tweaked and improved for better readability.
[*]A.I improvements and bug fixes.
[*]Missing textures fixed.
[*]Some gameplay tweaks and balancing.
[*]Various animation tweaks and fixes.
[*]Graphical option for volumetric effects added.
[*]Some minor graphical tweaks.
[*]Some minor, general bug fixes.
NOTE: Please try to reinstall the game if it fails to start after the update.