Patch version 1.0.1 ready

One Late Night: Deadline

One Late Night: Deadline continues the story of One Late Night, a horror/mystery game where you play the role of an office worker caught in the middle of the paranormal activity that has broken out in a seemingly ordinary office building. Freely explore the 5 story office complex that houses several different companies.

After a few days and nights of hard work, patch version 1.0.1 is now finally available. Among the updates includes greatly improved performance across the board and several glitch fixes. I hope you enjoy the new update! Full list of changes: - Resolution change fix - Optimized performance - Mouse sensitivity fix - Fall outside of level glitch fix - Stuck in stairs glitch fix - Lens flare setting fix - Various collision glitch fixes - Some crash fixes - GUI fixes - Audio updates - Shader error fixes - Elevator glitch fix - Ending animations fixes - A few general content updates. --- [b]NOTES[/b] If you experience problems running the game after the update, please try the following steps: [olist] [*]Go to the Start menu in Windows and open the registry by searching for “regedit.exe”. [*]In there, go to HKEY_CURRENT_USER > Software > Black Curtain Studio and delete the “One Late Night: Deadline” folder by right-clicking it. [*]Uninstall the game and then re-install from Steam. [*]Run the game. [/olist]