Patch Version 1.0.1 - Abandoned Shack and more.

[img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/39103246/02e2c143f102d0fafc3cde621c462b8c21baa84e.png[/img] Hello, fellow skeletons! The promised Patch is here! We waited for a little bit more to get this out as there were more reports done yesterday and today that came to our attention, so we wanted to add more fixes together! Thank you for your patience! [list] [*] Fixed an issue with entering the Abandoned Shack; [*] Fixed the functionality of a Labyrinth event; [*] The Mind Bottle is now correctly classified as a Key Item; [*] Fixed the Dog Treats functionality; [*] Fixed descriptions that didn't match the amount of stats needed to use skills; [*] Rebalanced some Passives; [*] Minor adjustments to player character battle sprites; [*] In case you guys didn't know, you can play the game in full screen, if you press F4, now there is a text in the title screen letting you know that!; [/list]