Patch 1.0.4 - Fixing the Blood Drop item exploit and more

[img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/39103246/b63eb6287574698cfd4f14650456feadcc482499.png[/img] Hello, fellow skeletons! This is a big patch focused on fixing all reports that we received these days! Feel free to continue to report anything weird you see and give us suggestions to improve the gameplay! [list] [*] Fixed collision issues in the Jufra, Wetlands and Citadel maps. [*] Fixed the immortal Ordofeus on western Jufra and Vanguards on the Excavation. [*] Fixed the Serpent Coin item, should now always swap which Gods will come up next level. [*] Fixed the NPC who buys Serpent Coins, should now correctly take them from your inventory after giving you money. [*] Fixed several issues related to the Baroness, the Emblem of Crows and different route progressions. [*] Fixed an infinite pickaxe issue. [*] Fixed the blood drop bat god exploit, now grants bonus experience instead of stats (Candy remains unchanged). [*] Targe Shield now correctly grants the {Knock} skill. [*] Changed the Wind ambient sound effect so it loops better. [*] Slightly increased stats acquired from higher level item modifiers so endgame items won't feel weaker than early game ones (already existing items are unnafected) [*] Renamed the (Shield) skill to (Guard) to remain consistent with all the item descriptions (English only) [h1][*] Removed Giveaway Stars, congratulations to the winners![/h1] [/list] Have a good epitaph! Nana.