Happy Halloween! Osteoblasts: Hall of Doors Update 1.1.0 Released!

[h1]Hello, fellow Skeletons! [/h1][img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/39103246/f73613deac85a901f629d00cf5c687315d605584.png[/img] Osteoblasts has a new update featuring a ton of new content, including the Hall Of Doors Update, which is a Halloween gift from Anglerman to the fans! This update includes 14 new enemies, 11 new areas and over 2 hours of fresh new gameplay! This is a special update and this game will probably not be receiving new updates or DLCs in the future, unless Anglerman is really feeling it, so please enjoy it to the fullest in this spooky season! For the Korean fans, a translation will be released later. These are the Patchnotes of this update: [b]Osteoblasts version 1.1.0 patch notes[/b] [b]Additions:[/b] New Areas can be accessed from a mysterious room after acquiring the Snail Key. Each area also requires a certain Emblem to open. >Doggerland >Wheel of the Past >Harvest Factory [b]New Enemies[/b] >Bonefactor >Dog skull >Coconut Dog >Cat Hunter >Headless Horseman >Grigori Fiend >Grigori Tribesman >Grigori Shaman >Grigori Shogun >Evangelist >Poltergoat >Creatura >Stheno [b]A few secret new items and skills[/b] [b]Changelog[/b] >Rebalanced encounters at the Treeline >Fixed several collisions in the Smoke Woods, Bastion, Jufra and Prison maps >Changed enemy spawns at the Water Well >Fixed the Samurai Quest at the Lakes >Fixed Marrow of a Bone passive, now correctly gives +1 Marrow every time you take damage in battle. >Removed Fake Coupon from a Boulder in Ragmaria >Fixed the occasion where Cave Vision was absent from the Bone Tunnel >Fixed Dog Treats not working correctly >Fixed the infinite chests from the village >Adjusted the Serpent Coin exchanger event >Lowered enemy gold drops (lvl 5~20) >Lowered accuracy of Soul spells (around 5~10%) >Added sound effects to several silent enemy encounters [b]Enemy changes[/b] >WooDoll - HP and SPD increased >House Doll - renamed, increased all stats >Hunter - increased HP; new skill [Barrage] when under (Belvedere); no longer reloads at low hp >Leaf Wizard - uses [Blaze Fingers] when under (Smokescreen) >Increased HP of all Noiseland enemies >Vanguard - increased HP, STR >Grigori Knight - Increased HP, STR, SPI >Invader - Increased HP, SOU >Envoy - increased SOU, STR, now waits less often >Automaton - increased HP, STR >Large Isolfian - swapped [Stab] for [Jab], increased base Accuracy >Rotten Plant - now waits less often >Ordofeu - changed skillset: now uses [Barrage] and (Ward), less emphasis on (Lens) >Centaur Servant - increased STR and SOU >Count Malzarien - uses {Counter-Thunder} instead of the generic counter; new AI >Avatar - increased HP [b]Skills:[/b] >[Barrage] - NEW (Attack: low priority, 4 Random Enemies, 80% accurate, SPD + SKL + ATK move) >(Meditate) - NEW (Defense: low priority, heals self, recovers marrow, gain Max Bones buff for 3 turns) >(Agony) - NEW (Defense: max priority, damages self, recovers full Marrow, gain Agility and Spite for 3 turns) >{Shred} - increased accuracy, removed penalty >{Knock} - removed SPITE debuff, increased duration of SOUL debuff, no longer has priority >[Rush] - fixed damage calculations, can no longer be countered. >[Headbutt] - lowered base damage Thank you for your time, I hope you enjoy Osteoblasts' new content! Nana.