Patch 1.0.5 - General Bug Fixes

[img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/39103246/ac25d64bd7a0a2deb913ae29acdbdbda01002b63.png[/img] Hello, fellow skeletons! Another patch that fixes a bug reported on a Steam review and some other stuff we found along the way! Feel free to continue to report anything weird you see and give us suggestions to improve the gameplay! [list] [*] Corrected the first Dog speech to WHARRGARBL instead of the original, incorrect WARGAHGRGBL. [*] Fixed the wrong exit from the Skeleton Tunnel to the Floating Mountain. [*] Pickles now correctly goes missing from the Fishing Village after acquiring the Emblem of Chains. [*] Fixed a few instances of Signs missing text. [*] Fixed the exit of the Tree House, should no longer get anyone stuck. [*] Golden Pickaxe should now appear in the Inventory under Equipment. [*] Helpful Cartographer should now tell you the correct number of doors left to open. [*] Fixed an issue with late game Witch Cat. [*] Adjusted a few Bosses' battle behavior. [*] {Maximum Gravity} now deals increased damage based on the target's Spite. [*] {Knock} now deals bonus damage based on the target's Soul. [*] {Punish} now removes any Defense States on the target. [*] Some spells now have 90% accuracy [list] [*] [Clockhammer] [*] [Gust] [*] [Cyclone] [/list] [/list] Have a good epitaph! Nana.