12th february, Osteoblasts will launch and we need testers! The testing sessions will go on from 7th january until 17th january, where we will close everything up so that the developer (Anglerman) can do his final fixes on Osteoblasts and prepare for release! Until then, we need many people testing!
To be included on the Testing Session of Osteoblasts, [url=https://forms.gle/ME2G323fjq7f46CF6]please fill up this form by clicking here[/url]! It’s short as we will just need your email and your PC Specs!
The testing will work like so:[/h1]
[*] [url=https://forms.gle/ME2G323fjq7f46CF6]Fill up this form[/url] to be included on the testing sessions! It takes 2 mins, I believe, just need your email and your PC specs!
[*] For anyone who shows interest in testing Osteoblasts, we will send a Steam beta key for you to test the game on the 7th!
[*] On the 7th you’ll also receive your first feedback forms that will come with the key. On this forms you can put a list of bugs you found, or any feedbacks you have for the game about difficulty, battles or anything really!
[*] On the 10th january you’ll receive another feedback form!
[*] The testing sessions will close on the 17th january.
Like so, we hope to fix as many bugs as we can we find along the way so that we can release the game in its best form! Thank you for your time!
Don't forget to follow Moonana on [url=https://twitter.com/moonana_]twitter[/url]!
And to join us in the [url= https://discord.gg/uCP2pgV]Discord[/url], where we discuss all Moonana games!