A small road block to avoid!

Hello, fellow skeletons! It finally is here, the day of the launch! I've been waiting for this day longingly for a long while, when I was accompanying Anglerman's development journey, and to see the release day coming to life (or better...to death!) makes me extremely happy! But our work doesn't end here! There is one specific known issue that we will fix with a patch later today, however we are too tired to do that right now, so we will let you know where the problem is, so you can avoid the area! - Avoid the optional area "the abandoned shack", you can get stuck and I won't be able to repair your save, so you might lose it! This is the location: [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/39103246/c7c662d0724ab2c6e926c7a59b92659bdb580b87.png[/img] That's it...for now! We go back to our coffins for a nice rest. See you all later with a patch to fix this small oversight of ours! Have an excellent epitaph! Nana.