Patch v0.2.0.3


Wizordum is a retro FPS that puts you in the role of a Mage on a quest to track down the source of Chaos. With a wide arsenal of spells and magic items, battle your way through the world of Terrabruma in this unique blend of classic 90s shooters and modern gaming elements.

It's a new day with a new patch. Thank you for your reports! ːCotcTorchː [b]ːCotcKeyː New & Updated[/b] [list] [*] Consumable items are now limited to 10 per type [*] Missing Achievement icons added [*] Game saving disabled in the bonus level [*] Frozen enemies will shatter into ice gibs/cubes [*] [Map Editor] You can now enter the First-person Edit Mode with F1 key as well [/list] [b]ːCotcMiningCartː Fixes[/b] [list] [*] In Mourning Grounds, we updated the room after the golden-key doors so the gates close faster in order to avoid the skeleton escaping [*] Broken achievements fixed - Adventurer - No Stone Left Unturned - Mage Runner achievement won't be awarded in the bonus level anymore - Frost Mage achievement fixed - Treasure Hunter will count treasure items correctly now [*] Key Rebinding Reset will save the reset state [*] Bug fixed where you could loot dead bodies over and over [*] Ogres appearing on the crates • Saving in the middle of the Boss fight won't break the save anymore [/list] We would also like to address the "save game" issues some people experienced with the latest update. First, we weren't aware that any changes that we made could affect the save games, so we didn't pay extra attention to it. We tried to find the culprit and save the mess but without success. Therefore, we added extra measures to prevent this from happening in the future. We will do additional "save game" compatibility tests to ensure a safe update before every update. We're sorry for all the inconvenience! Last but not least, if you're venturing into the level creation part of Wizordum, we put together a [url=]Quick Editing Guide[/url] so you can easily get started with the basics and shortcuts. Thank you!