Patch v0.2.0.2


Wizordum is a retro FPS that puts you in the role of a Mage on a quest to track down the source of Chaos. With a wide arsenal of spells and magic items, battle your way through the world of Terrabruma in this unique blend of classic 90s shooters and modern gaming elements.

Hello! Thank you all for such amazing support and for playing the game. We are happy to see such a good reception and thank you for all the feedback and bug reports. This is the first patch, and we'll try to keep it up until we get everything under control. [b]ːCotcKeyː New & Updated[/b] [list] [*] Epilogue story after completing the Episode added [/list] [b]ːCotcMiningCartː Fixes[/b] [list] [*] Boss will die properly now [*] You can't navigate the menu anymore when the welcome message is present [*] You can now close the Key Binding menu with the 'Back' key [*] Loading Bonus Map from other levels and beating it won't mark the former level as finished now [*] Bonus Map "best" time won't apply to the previous map anymore [*] Ogre won't appear on top of the crates anymore in E1L05 (moved to the ground) [*] Tiles and walkable pits fixed on all levels that had this problem [*] Frozen enemies standing on blocks, won't fall into the after they unfreeze [*] Placing an empty "Creature Riser" object in the level editor won't crash the level anymore [*] Keybindings will save properly after Reset now [/list] As a side note, we are aware of the performance drops that some of you are experiencing on some levels and we will put this on top priority so you can expect a performance update next week. Keep throwing those fireballs!