Patch v0.13.10b

Touhou Blooming Chaos 2

Touhou Blooming Chaos 2 is an brand new rogue shooter where you control a character of a varied cast to explore an all randomized labyrinth. Enjoy the excessive fun of reaping enemies and character training. With balanced difficulty, you can always find your place as either beginner or veteran!

Every Major Update always follows with tons of bugs; thanks for all your contributions and tolerant; here is the immediate fixes and tweaks: Bug Fixes: - Description error on some equipment when the game is running under English/Japanese Language. - Camera vibrates after the player loses. - Night Sparrow's Skirt's effect would trigger even you drop any item. - You can start-The "Reverse" and "Monster" puzzle room multiple times. - Exchange Hall does not consume large tokens. - Steam Achievement unlocks unexpectedly when playing the main Dungeon. - Bag automatically opens when entering the shop using a gamepad. - When the player loses and returns to town, the default buff disables. Tweaks: - Alice now has a +0.3 base attack speed boost. - The "Age" puzzle room now supports multi-language. - The Night Sparrow's Skirt does not affect Limitation-Breaking Trait any more. - Optimize the Kogasa's Equipment Value Correction.