Patch Update July 16


As Anling’s zombie infection sets in, her days are numbered. The struggle to survive is made ever more paramount as she must ensure her son Cody stays alive. She must teach him how to survive in this new world at any cost…

[h3]Story Mode:[/h3] [list][*] Fixed an issue that could cause characters to have an additional damage reduction effect. [/list] [h3]Kingdom Mode:[/h3] [b]Experience Optimization:[/b] [list][*] Improved task attribution in the camp. [*] Increased backpack slot limit to 200; items to increase backpack slots cannot be used once the limit is reached. [*] Added buttons and prompts for incrementing and decrementing by 10 on various crafting benches. [*] Implemented a mechanism for Cody, the main character, to take shelter from the rain indoors and for camp NPCs to avoid poisonous fog indoors. [*] Significantly optimized NPC mechanics to reduce lag in the camp caused by these processes. [*] Enhanced interactions and prompts for workbench-type facilities unable to enter production mode due to power supply issues. [/list] [b]Mechanism Adjustments:[/b] [list][*] NPCs outside the home no longer have increasing health with each day; instead, their damage reduction is enhanced (NPCs in the LynnBay settlement are not affected by this change). [*] Changed workbench power consumption mechanism to consume power at a set rate during production. [/list] [b]Bug Fixes:[/b] [list][*] Fixed an issue where weapons could not be repaired if their durability exceeded the initial maximum after enhancement. [*] Fixed an issue where Cody could still be commanded while in a frenzied state. [*] Fixed an issue where symptoms cured but with remaining effects still counted in certain conditions. [*] Fixed an issue where item icons would remain on the main interface after being dragged and traded. [*] Fixed an issue where new mechanisms like building, new workbenches, and research were not compatible with Anling's symptom effect [Flexibility]. [*] Fixed an issue where players could not interact with a bed locked by an NPC due to illness, even if the NPC was not in the bed. [*] Modified the text for the farm learning task to research planting boxes, instructing players to equip the sketch book for research. [*] Fixed multiple issues related to Anling's facility repair. [*] Fixed an issue where arrow towers did not drop arrows when destroyed. [*] Fixed an issue where crows would fall into the ground in certain camp locations upon death. [*] Fixed an issue where Cody would have a "killed good person" dialogue after killing a hostile NPC who requested to join. [*] Fixed an issue where barbed wire in some unsafe areas could not be attacked. [*] Fixed an issue where it was sometimes difficult to select rabbits in LynnBay. [*] Fixed an issue where Cody would discover already found rabbit holes. [*] Fixed an issue where Anling could move freely with a trolley during a frenzy if she was using the trolley before the frenzy. [*] Fixed an issue where the main character could use materials from home storage for repairs, but the display remained red. [*] Fixed an issue where Cody would continue the building animation for a long time after construction was complete. [*] Fixed an issue where NPCs would not resume a task after failing and interrupting it. [/list]