Patch Notes: Version 1.23

First Cut: Samurai Duel

Every strike is lethal in this blood-soaked sword fighting game. Slash, clash, parry, dodge and watch limbs fly. Choose your move carefully - the first cut is also the last.

Hello everyone, patch time. Thank you to those who reported the achievement-related crash at the end of the game. I'm 99% sure I've fixed this but please let me know. This patch also includes optimizations and more graphics scaling options. Please let me know if these have made a difference. If there are any problems please comment. The previous build can be accessed from the 'betas' tab in Steam's properties menu, under 'previousbuild'. -------- Version 1.23 Addressed an out-of-range error when getting the scenario mode completion achievement. Renamed the Scenario menu to Scenario Campaign, for additional clarity. Fixed an issue where buffered combos could persist when the attack state is interrupted, this will reduce the effectiveness of button-mashing, as well as some occasionally odd behaviour. Optimized the grass colour shaders. This should drastically reduce shader calls and will hopefully see a performance increase in areas with lots of grass. Hiding enemies will no longer react to attacks as they spawn in around the player when the boss-pause feature is enabled. It is no longer possible for a co-op player to block another's hit from behind. The 'AI friend' option now clarifies that it's disabled in co-op mode. Bleedout mode no longer resets in team-fight modes, which resulted in characters absorbing hits unpredictably (thanks for pointing this out, JustSteel). Removed scabbards when laser swords are enabled (great idea, Si1entProtagonist). Added weather-scaling options to the Video options menu. Rain, snow, and fog can now be lowered, turned off completely, or pushed to 200% if you'd like. Fixed an issue with the crouch where releasing dodge while changing stance would sometimes reset the animation. Inputs while beginning a crouch will now contribute towards the crouching stance - crouching from mid-stance and holding 'down' as the animation plays will now result in a quicker low-block once in the crouching position. It's now easier to queue a turn while dodging. The dodge-turn animations have been improved. The sword will no longer swap hands when turning in the side-step animation. Slightly reduced the chances for an AI to shove at lower AI skill-levels. Very very slightly reduced the shove startup speed. Added a 'turning' stat for the AI, instead of a uniform auto-turn. This scales with AI skill level and is quite conservative at the moment, but may be increased in future. This is a subtle change but when combined with the existing mechanics it's a way to create opportunities in combat.