Patch Notes: Beta 0.34

First Cut: Samurai Duel

Every strike is lethal in this blood-soaked sword fighting game. Slash, clash, parry, dodge and watch limbs fly. Choose your move carefully - the first cut is also the last.

Beta 0.34 Added full list of supporters to the credits. Added special sound when a player dies in Scenario Mode. The Extras and Custom blood screens now scroll instead of using columns. Enemies will now stop spawning when the boss is dead on the hardest difficulty. Remastered all music, added special credits music. New music in Scenario Mode will be implemented in the next patch. The credits will now play when the final mission is completed before showing the mission clear screen. Players will now sheath their swords when a mission is complete. Player 2 will now leave a sword marker in Scenario Mode. Player sword markers in Scenario Mode now reflect the player sword colours. Fixed an issue causing the gamepad joystick deadzone to reset too high. Added a wall to the right side of the dojo in the Tutorial.