Patch Notes: Beta 0.33

First Cut: Samurai Duel

Every strike is lethal in this blood-soaked sword fighting game. Slash, clash, parry, dodge and watch limbs fly. Choose your move carefully - the first cut is also the last.

Beta 0.33 Reverted dodging speed when running. The campfire is now much more deadly and satisfying to use. The embers can also be dodged. The campfire's duration now scales based on difficulty. Fixed burning corpses not extinguishing their light after they stop burning. Slightly reduced the chance for less-skilled AI to shove. Enemies will no longer attempt to parry when the target is facing away from them. Player positions are now clamped in Scenario mode if they are too far apart in co-op. Added joystick control to the pause menu. The game now pauses when the Steam overlay is enabled. In Scenario mode the music now cuts out when you die and comes back in when you respawn. The Scenario Mode missions are now locked behind progression. The Scenario menu now displays later scenarios as 'locked' instead of clamping the list to unlocked missions only. The UI now better reflects which missions have been cleared on the various difficulties. The Scenario Menu now displays the co-op leaderboards in co-op mode when prompted, instead of the singeplayer leaderboards. Adjusting the difficulty in the Scenario menu now sets the mission to the furthest of that difficulty. Added the app icon back in - I'd accidentally misplaced it.