Patch Notes: Beta 0.31

First Cut: Samurai Duel

Every strike is lethal in this blood-soaked sword fighting game. Slash, clash, parry, dodge and watch limbs fly. Choose your move carefully - the first cut is also the last.

Hello everyone, this is just a small patch - the first of several - in the run up to release. -------- Beta 0.31 Added Grove stage. Added Credits screen (subject to changes). Improved Pause screen. Increased the chances of blood staining the player again. I optimized this last time, but I went overboard. It is now possible to queue any strike while attacking - not just combos specifically. Slightly reduced the ducking speed boost when running. Adjusted the hardest difficulty to prevent enemies spawning when near the exit. Fixed laser swords not drawing properly in certain stances. Fixed sword-only mode not displaying wood correctly. Fixed Cave boss not having the right preset appearance. Fixed tight sleeve types showing the wrong colour from the back. Fixed mission select defaulting to 0 instead of 1. Fixed split legs showing the wrong colours.