Patch Notes for v1.0.5

Just Act Natural

Just Act Natural is a hand-crafted online party game where players must hide among NPC characters to avoid detection from the seeker. Compete against your friends in a variety of game modes over a course of different rounds to be crowned the winner!

[list] [*] Fix not being able to open menu when join as a spectator [*] Fix King/Noble spawning on top of button sometimes on Spaceship stage in Kill the King [*] Rough temporary fix for frozen input when join mid-game [/list] There’s a very TEMPORARY fix for the player frozen glitch that happens sometimes when you join a game mid-match that I added here. If you find you’re frozen again, open the menu and, upon closing it, I kinda forced it to re-enable your movements. Kinda annoying I know but I guess my latest changes to the instructions screen somehow messed things up but I’m not sure exactly where so hopefully that works for now as a temporary fix. Not my best work but it should do until i actually find the issue and fix it more permanently this weekend :)