Patch Notes

Call of Zadeus (formerly Mage Tower)

Call of Zadeus [Zuh-day-us] is an open-world roguelike deckbuilder with a late 90's aesthetic. Travel across a huge procedurally generated world, collect cards, battle enemies, delve into dungeons, and defeat the unimaginable Zadeus!

[b]Patch Notes[/b] [i](I'll be creating an update post with images in the next few days. Meanwhile, here are the full patch notes for this HUGE patch.)[/i] This patch adds Class Skills, Potions, Boss Artifacts, Events, New Enemy Types, a new Elite, and balances the game to add a lot more player agency. It's a big patch! [b]Class Skills[/b] Each Class now has two unique Skills! One is a non-combat skill, while the other is a Battle Skill. These skills do things like dealing arrow damage, gaining free potions, summoning a Hawk Companion, or Boasting to fight a tougher enemy for higher rewards. (Note: These are unlocked with easy-to-get new achievements. If you already meet the achievement requirements, you can simply start a run and let the first enemy kill you to go to the achievement unlocking screen and get these.) [b]Potions[/b] Potions have been added to the game! You start with a Health Potion and can buy more Potions at Bazaars. [b]Boss Artifacts[/b] Added 17 new Boss Artifacts that can only be obtained by defeating a boss. You also now get to draft a Rare card after each boss battle. [b]New Enemy Types[/b] (These enemies are generally very different from existing encounters, and should mix up your strategies a lot from battle to battle.) Days 1-2: Sentinels, Cave Goblins, Vixiloth, Ogre (Elite) Days 3-4: Gold Knight, Inquisitors, Ice Strider (reworked and moved here from Days 1-2) [b]Events[/b] Sometimes you may now find an Event in the world that gives you some interesting choices and gives access to exclusive cards and artifacts. Often the Event will have some kind of trade-off for the various options. [b]Other Changes[/b] -2 additional Bazaars were added to the map, for a total of 5. -Trade Resources and Trading Posts were removed. These were overly complex mechanics that didn't add much. The additional Bazaars, new boss artifacts, and new Events should add more fun deckbuilding decisions without the weird complexity of Trade Resources/Trading Posts. -About 1/3rd of the towns were removed from the world. Half were towns that would have held the removed Trade Resource buildings. The other half were card draft towns. Remember there are +2 Bazaars, Events, +2 rare card drafts (one after each of the first two bosses), and +2 Boss Artifact drafts, plus Potions and Class Skills were added. These new mechanics should give more breadth and variety to deckbuilding. rather than just drafting a bloated deck full of "good stuff" cards. -Added Scrolls, a resource that is mostly obtained from Elite battles and lets you purchase Artifacts from the Artifact Merchant (previously there was a Trade Resource called Trinkets that had this function.) -The second Dungeon Clue for each dungeon is now always given for free, so now it will take you no more than 2 Dungeon Clues to find a dungeon's location. -Card rarity is no longer affected by Achievements. It was weird that a new player might see too many Common cards, which limited the fun of deckbuilding. -Health regen is also no longer affected by Achievements. It's too important of a stat to vary so much depending on what you've unlocked. -Rare cards are more rare. (But remember that now you're guaranteed to get one after a boss fight.) -The highest minimum deck size is now 13 instead of 14. (i.e. now you only need to build your deck up to 13 cards by the end of the run instead of 14.) This is intended as a buff. -The Rune Warrior class was removed. (His one-card-gimmick of raising max HP got repetitive after a few runs. He will be reworked or replaced eventually.) -You get more Achievement Points than before at lower Mastery levels. -At Masteries 7+, you now only fight one "Level 0" enemy (Phase Bats, Kobold Captain, Gravel Monster) instead of two. This means you'll fight Level 1 enemies sooner, which are more difficult. -Barracks and Alchemist buildings (that gave you a buff for the next Elite/Boss encounter), now only give you buffs for Boss encounters (not Elite.) This is because it could be detrimental to fight elites when you wanted to save your buff(s) for the boss. -You now recover a lot more health after defeating a boss. Quality of Life: -Enflame, Poison, and other damage types on cards will now have their card text updated to the correct values when cards change those values. (Previously, only arrow damage values were updated in card text.) -The game will now try to set you to the highest resolution setting it can, rather than defaulting to 1920x1080 in many cases. [b]New Cards[/b] Blood Moon (common). 7-cost. Doubles all the damage of your non-Defender cards. Destroyed at the end of the turn after you play it. Chain Lightning (rare) - 3-cost. Deals 1 damage to each monster in the first two rows. Adds two unplayable Spell Charcoals to your discard pile. [b]Enemy & Combat Changes[/b] -Enemies from days 3+ have had their stats increased back to their values before patch The enemy stats had become too flattened throughout a run. (Many cards were buffed to compensate, these changes are lower in the patch notes.) -"Normal" battles (i.e. non-Boss, non-Elite, non-Dungeon battles) are now 20% shorter. (This is to tighten up combat at make each decision more impactful. It also makes it so that cards have different valuations depending on whether you're fighting a normal enemy or a boss.) -Previously, battles at lower Mastery levels were much shorter than battles at higher Mastery levels (because the enemy's monster decks were smaller.) This was not good as it made mechanics that take time to work (like Level Up and Scheme) bad at low masteries, and some mechanics like Enflame too good. So enemies at lower Masteries will now have approximately the same deck size/battle length as at higher masteries. (The battles will still be much easier due to various factors such as lower monster stats.) -Life regeneration lowered at all Mastery levels to a flat 4 life after each battle. Remember that we've added Potions, Class Skills, Events, AND we've shortened many battles. So now the player has a lot more agency in how they manage their health, rather than relying on passive health regen. [b]Card Changes[/b] (Mostly some buffs, plus a lot of the nerfs from a couple patches ago have been reverted or partially reverted.) -Mana Well now gives 4 energy instead of 3. -Bodysnatcher increased to a 2/4 from a 0/4. -Shooting Stars now has a base damage of 2, up from 0. -Constellation Beast can now grow up to 8/8 (up from 5/5.) -Slay cost reduced from 3 to 2. -Stupefy cost reduced from 4 to 3. -Enchanted Tome card draw increased from 3 to 4. -Summon Reinforcements and Trade Routes now let you select 5 turns, or 8 turns when upgraded. Up from 3/6. -Acolyte increased to a 3/4 from a 3/3. -Bow and Arrow cost reduced from 6 to 4. -Toxic Flood's Poison damage increased from 2 to 3 when upgraded. -Meteor now takes 6 turns instead of 7, but deals 9 damage instead of 10. (Generally intended as a buff.) -Raiding Party damage reduced from 14 to 12. -End of Days damage reduced from 12 to 11. -Concentrate (Hunter class card) had its card draw reduced from 5 to 3. -Council Mage now gives 1 energy, plus 1 for reach other Council Mage in hand. (Rather than just 1 energy period.) -Volley moved from Common to Rare, Level 1 damage increased from 7 to 8. -Quest now gives you 1 Gloryseeking, or 2 when upgraded. This is down from 2 normal / 3 upgraded. (It was just too good before.) -River Sage changed from a 4-cost 0/1 Defender that draws two cards TO: A 3-cost Ability that draws 2 cards and gives you five Bloodrunes. -Buckler now gives +2 health instead of +1. -Shieldmage cost reduced from 4 to 3. [b]Achievements[/b] -Irko's Tome and Cosmigorius are now much easier to unlock (they were previously unlocked by reducing Zadeus to 5 cards and by killing it, respectively.) -Volley is now much easier to unlock. -There are no longer health regeneration achievements or card rarity achievements. -Added achievements that let you get additional Magic Dust after each battle. -Moved some other cards around in the Achievements so that you generally unlock more cards earlier. [b]Bug Fixes[/b] -Fixed a bug where loading a save file might load a Traveling Merchant town where you couldn't see the dungeon rewards, and if you tried to take a dungeon clue then the game would crash. -Cleanse and Training will no longer glow blue as if they were playable when they are not playable. -Fixed some bugs which would cause upgraded cards with attached artifacts to display the incorrect cost on the non-Battle screens. -Fixed some bugs that would cause Defenders to display the wrong stats when they were both upgraded and had stat-changing artifacts. -Fixed a soft lock in the starting tutorial that could happen if you clicked the Map button. -Fixed a bug where you would not get achievement points for your class if you lost a run. (Not sure how long this bug has been here.) -Fixed other miscellaneous bugs. [b]Miscellaneous[/b] -Banish's art was given to the Gold Knight's enemy's Golden Tome card (it was a really good fit.) Banish has new art. -Updated the Victory screen to show that there are 193 total cards instead of 141. (There are 142 normal draftable cards plus many other cards only obtainable in dungeons, the bazaar's black market, etc.)