Hey everyone and welcome to the Patch Notes for 11.6!
This is another patch in between card drops so we are bringing the next batch of reworks and updates to existing cards.
This time there is a general nature theme but every faction gets some attention.
For an overview of this patch, check out the Developer Update with Molegion, Ola, and Ryan:
[b]New Features[/b]
Introducing the Cycle Progression System - Kicking off our new progression system is the Summer Cycle. Each Cycle promotes different card sets, and in order to complete quests and unlock new rewards in this system, you will need to play Ranked mode using decks made from cards in these Cycle-specific sets.
The Base set, Starter set, Thronebreaker, and Novigrad cards are supported by all Cycles. The Summer Cycle additionally supports cards from Crimson Curse and Way of the Witcher.
The Summer Cycle starts with update 11.6, and is available until the end of update 11.8.
Musicians of Blaviken - Power changed from 6 to 4. Provision cost changed from 6 to 4. Ability changed to: If you have no other 4-provision cards in your starting deck, start on your Ranged row.
Phoenix - Added new part of ability: Deploy: Gain Vitality (5).
Ragh Nar Roog - Is now an artifact. Spell tag replaced with Scenario. Provision cost changed from 9 to 13. Ability changed to: Doomed. Scenario: Progress whenever you play a gold unit. Prologue: Spawn Cataclysm on both enemy rows for 2 turns. Chapter 1: Damage an enemy unit by 5. Chapter 2: Spawn and play Clear Skies.
Saer Qu'an - Ability changed to: Deploy: Damage an enemy unit by the number of units you control.
Scepter of Storms - Added new part of ability: Order: Increase the row effect duration on an enemy row by 1 turn.
Skellige Storm - Now has the Nature tag.
Tempest - Now has the Nature tag. Provision cost changed from 5 to 6. Ability changed to: Play all copies of Biting Frost, Impenetrable Fog, or Torrential Rain from your deck.
Wolfsbane - Now has the Organic and Alchemy tags. Ability changed to: Set an enemy unit's power to 1.
Biting Frost - Now has the Nature tag.
Clear Skies - Now has the Nature tag. Provision cost changed from 5 to 4.
Impenetrable Fog - Now has the Nature tag.
King Cobra - Power changed from 3 to 2. Armor changed from 1 to 0. Provision cost changed from 5 to 4.
Spring Equinox - Now has the Nature tag. Provision cost changed from 4 to 5. Ability changed to: Boost an allied unit by 0. Increase the boost by 1 for each Nature card in your starting deck.
Torrential Rain - Now has the Nature tag.
Wolf Pack - Power changed from 2 to 1. Ability changed to: Deploy: Boost self by 1 for each allied unit on this row.
Morvudd - Beast tag replaced with Relict. Power changed from 6 to 1. Provision cost changed from 8 to 12. Ability changed to: At the end of your turn, while in hand, deck, or graveyard, increase own base power by 1.
Fiend - Beast tag replaced with Relict. Power changed from 3 to 8. Ability changed to: Deploy: Decrease own base power by 1 for each unit on the opposite row.
Delirium - Provision cost changed from 5 to 8. Ability changed to: Echo. Choose between a random bronze Skellige Beast and a random bronze Skellige Human that were not in your starting deck, then Spawn and play the one you chose, and Spawn the other in your graveyard. When Doomed, choose between gold ones instead.
Gigascorpion Decoction - Ability changed to: Damage a unit by 1 six times or split 6 damage randomly between all units on an enemy row.
Ulfhedinn - Power changed from 4 to 6. Provision cost changed from 7 to 10. Added new part of ability: Bloodthirst 3: Damage an enemy unit and units adjacent to it by half their power instead.
[b]Northern Realms[/b]
Falibor - Power changed from 7 to 6. Ability changed to: Whenever this unit receives a boost, damage a random enemy unit by the same amount.
Keira Metz - Provision cost changed from 9 to 12. Ability changed to: Patience. Order: Play [0] unique bronze Spell(s) from your graveyard and give it/them Doomed.
Telianyn aep Collen - Order ability changed to: Spawn and play Backup Plan. If this unit is Doomed, damage an enemy unit by the number of Doomed units you control instead.
Cargo - Order ability changed to: Replay a non-Neutral Agent, Bandit, or Soldier that wasn't played this turn and give it Doomed.
Duny - Power changed from 7 to 6.
Added new part of ability:
When entering the battlefield, boost self by 1 for each Spying enemy unit.
Mangonel - Starting Charges changed from 1 to 2.
Tatterwing - Power changed from 6 to 1. Provision cost changed from 7 to 11. Ability changed to: Immunity. At the start of the game, set the power of all other units in your deck to 1 and own power to 25.
Oxenfurt Guard - Cooldown removed.
[b]Game Fixes[/b]
Certain Order abilities with Cooldowns no longer become selected at the start of the turn.
Emhyr var Emreis can no longer target Immune units.
Playing Kelpie can now correctly be canceled.
Naiad Fledgling can no longer trigger Vitality when Symbiosis only appears on the opponent's side.