Hey everyone, Update 10.7 has arrived together with the Black Sun! 27 new cards including a new Scenario for each faction and Renfri as a neutral card. In addition, there is a list of supporting adjustments to existing cards to improve your experience. Check out our latest Developer Update for an in-depth look at the upcoming changes: [previewyoutube=5a2TyOewcls;full][/previewyoutube] Black Sun card drop - Herald the inevitable coming of the Black Sun, or join Renfri in exacting vengeance on all its prophets. This card drop introduces four new cards per faction, along with three Neutrals. New keyword - Infused - Status that adds effects or categories to a card. Removing the status also removes all added effects and categories. Lock disables Infused abilities. New keyword - Grace - The first time this unit's power is equal to or higher than the specified amount, trigger the ability. If the condition is already met when it enters the battlefield, trigger it immediately. New keyword - Clash - Units simultanously damage each other by their power. New seasonal mode - Trial by Fire - Queue up with a faction of your choice - your deck will be replaced with a prebuilt deck for the same faction, featuring cards from the new expansion! Changes Evolving cards (Auberon, Usurper, Viraxas, Eithné, Harald an Craite, and Jacques) now... evolve! This means that unlike with usual transformations, any armor, statuses, ability infusions, and power changes will be retained in the process. Neutral Alzur - Now has the Knight tag. Olgierd: Immortal - Power changed from 8 to 10. Ornate Censer - Provision cost changed from 9 to 10. Ability changed to: Boost an allied unit by the amount of damage dealt to enemy units this turn, or damage an enemy unit by the amount of boost given to allied units this turn. Syanna - Power changed from 3 to 5. Vivienne: Oriole- Provision cost changed from 10 to 9. Monsters Auberon King; Invader - Replaced transform with evolve. Nekker Warrior- Power changed from 4 to 7. Ability changed to: Deploy: If this card would not trigger any of your Thrive units, damage self by 3 and Infuse self with "Thrive". Skellige Arnaghad - Tooltip adjusted to include the new Clash keyword. Gedyneith - Renamed to In Gedyneith's Shadow Crach an Craite - Tooltip adjusted to include the new Clash keyword. Harald an Craite; Warmonger - Replaced transform with evolve. Melusine - Replaced Veil with Deploy: Gain Veil. Northern Realms Royal Inspiration - Provision bonus changed from 16 to 15. Ability changed to: Order: Boost an allied unit by 5. If it triggered an allied unit's Grace ability, refresh the Order and reduce the boost by 1. Reynard Odo - Power changed from 6 to 7. Provision cost changed from 9 to 8. Ability changed to: Whenever you play a unit, boost it by 1. Grace 12: Boost all boosted allied units by 1. Vandergrift - Provision cost changed from 8 to 9. Has new part of ability: Grace 12: Gain Resilience. Vandergrift's Blade - Ability changed to: Deploy: Damage an enemy unit by 5. Deathblow: Store destroyed unit's base power. The next time you play a unit, boost it by the stored amount, then destroy self. Viraxas Prince; Outcast - Replaced transform with evolve. Windhalm of Attre - Has new part of ability: Grace 10, Order: Gain Shield. Cintrian Knight - Has new part of ability: Grace 6: Boost self by 2. Mad Charge - Ability changed to: Boost an allied unit by 5 and give it 2 Armor. If it's a Knight, also give it Vitality (2). Redanian Knight - Has new part of ability: Grace 8: Boost adjacent units by 1. Scoia'tael Eithné Young Queen; Mother - Replaced transform with evolve. Percival Schuttenbach - Provision cost changed from 7 to 6. Dryad Fledgling - Power changed from 4 to 5. Farseer - Provision cost changed from 5 to 6. Forest Whisperer - Power changed from 4 to 3. Provision cost changed from 5 to 4. Nilfgaard Glynnis aep Loernach - Provision cost changed from 7 to 6. Usurper Officer; General - Replaced transform with evolve. Syndicate Jacques Miracle Child; de Aldersberg - Replaced transform with evolve. Passiflora - Name changed to One Night at the Passiflora. Ability changed to: Doomed. Scenario: Progress whenever you play a Blindeye. Prologue: Spawn Sly Seductress on this row. Chapter 1: Spawn Passiflora Peaches on this row. Chapter 2: Gain 6 Coins. Sir Skewertooth - Provision cost changed from 7 to 6. Fisstech Trafficker - Now has the Blindeyes tag. Salamandra Mage - Tribute cost changed from 4 to 5.