It's May and Update 11.5 breathes new life into our roster of dragons!
You can also expect another event to return and other changes to existing cards.
May your lineage help you to victory!
New Features[/b]
The Shupe Event returns! - Shupe has returned from his adventures. Complete contracts for exclusive rewards, or visit his Shop to see what he has to offer. Just make sure to gather Sparkly Rocks for him, which you can find by playing GWENT! Also, Shupe will be giving special deals to all his favourite umans during the event! Get 30% off on select vanities during this sale!
This event will be active from May 12th to May 26th.
New Keyword - Lineage - At the start of the game, boost self by the number of Dragons in your starting deck.
New Defender VFX - Whenever selecting a target, when there is a Defender on your opponent's side, this new effect will highlight the status effect, as well as mark any available targets on that row more clearly.
Myrgtabrakke - Power changed from 5 to 4. Provision cost changed from 7 to 12. Ability changed to: Lineage. Deploy: Draw a Dragon, then move a card from your hand to the bottom of your deck. Order: Damage an enemy unit by 1. Charges: 0 At the start of the game, set the number of Charges to match your Lineage [0].
Ocvist - Provision cost changed from 10 to 12. Ability changed to: Lineage. Deploy: Spawn Cataclysm on the opposite row for 2 turns. Timer 3: Damage all enemy units by 1.
Roach - Provision cost changed from 9 to 10.
Saesenthessis: Blaze - Power changed from 5 to 1. Provision cost changed from 10 to 12. Ability changed to: Lineage. While in hand, deck, or on the battlefield, whenever an enemy unit is destroyed or Banished during your turn, boost self by 1.
Villentretenmerth - Provision cost changed from 11 to 13. Ability changed to: Lineage. Timer 3: Destroy the highest-power unit(s) on the battlefield, excluding Dragons you control.
Acid Spit - Provision cost changed from 8 to 6.
Kikimore Worker - Removed the Melee condition.
Coral - Provision cost changed from 9 to 8.
Dagur Two Blades - Provision cost changed from 10 to 9.
Dire Bear - Now triggers a VFX whenever it blocks a boost.
Kraken - Deathwish ability changed to: At the end of this turn, Summon self to the opposite row and boost self by the number of unique allied Beasts.
Magic Compass - Provision cost changed from 9 to 10.
[b]Northern Realms[/b]
Inspired Zeal - Ability changed to: Order: Boost an allied unit by 2. If it's a non-Neutral unit, also give it Zeal. Charges: 3
Drakenborg - Provision cost changed from 9 to 8. Ability changed to: Resilience. Deploy: Summon a unit from your deck to this row and Lock it. Order: Give an allied unit Vitality 0. Increase this value by the amount of boost that was on the Summoned unit.
Quarixis - Provision cost changed from 13 to 11.
Saskia - Power changed from 5 to 6. Ability changed to: Deploy: Spawn an Elven Deadeye, Rowdy Dwarf, or Young Dryad on this row. Gain an Order ability based on the unit you Spawned:
Elven Deadeye - Order: Spawn and Play Waylay.
Rowdy Dwarf - Order: Spawn and play Tempering.
Young Dryad - Order: Spawn and play Dryad's Caress.
Saskia: Commander - Power changed from 4 to 3. Provision cost changed from 13 to 14.
Mahakam Defender - Ability changed to: Barricade: At the end of your turn, boost self by 1.
Combat Engineer - No longer has the Soldier tag.
Mangonel - Ability changed to: Zeal. Order: Damage an enemy unit by 1. For each Spying unit adjacent to it, increase the damage by 1. Charge: 1
Rot Tosser - Ability changed to: Order: Spawn and play a Cow Carcass. Charge: 1
Blood Money - Provision bonus changed from 16 to 15.
Casimir Bassi - Now also has Profit 3.
Madame Luiza - Added VFX to the Order ability.
Vivaldi Bank - Provision cost changed from 9 to 10. Profit amount changed from 3 to 4.
Explosives - Damage changed from 2 to 3. Starting Fee changed from 2 to 3.
Oxenfurt Guard - Now has the Soldier tag.
[b]Game Fixes[/b]
King Henselt no longer reacts to the Cooldowns of artifacts.
Sandor de Baccalà no longer shows the player's deck in order.
Backup Plan now specifies that it can only Create bronze Scoia'tael Elves.