Hey everyone,
Update 10.8 is here to bring fresh Infinite Journeys including brand new vanities.
Also, it adjusts cards that needed adjusting like our popular leader ability creation tool - Renfri.
Ryan and Jean give their thoughts on the upcoming changes in this month's Developer Update:
[b]New Features[/b]
Anniversary Event - To celebrate the 20th Anniversary of CD Projekt Red, a special event will be held in Gwent! Come join the celebration and obtain free vanities while playing matches!
Returning Journeys - Alzur, Yennefer, and Triss make a comeback! Choose which Journey you want to progress, or simply continue where you left off!
• Contracts - Unlock even more rewards by playing matches with your favorite vanities.
• New types of trinkets - You will now be able to unlock additional rewards:
-For Alzur: Auras based on mutagens, a music vanity, and a cardback.
-For Yennefer: Djinn Hunter skins, auras, a music vanity, and a cardback.
-For Triss: A Nature aura and trinket, a music vanity, and a cardback.
Daily quests that require winning with a specific faction are now a bit easier to complete.
Knickers - Provision cost changed from 7 to 8.
Maxii - Now has the Cursed tag.
Renfri - Power changed from 7 to 5.
Provision cost changed from 13 to 14.
Is now Doomed.
Renfri: Curse of Envy - Ability changed to: Order: Damage all enemy units by 1.
Renfri: Curse of Gluttony - Ability changed to: Order: Boost an allied unit by 2. Increase this value by the target's base power.
Renfri: Curse of Pride - Power limit changed from 10 to 8.
Renfri: Curse of Wrath - Damage changed from 7 to 6.
Renfri: Blessing of Diligence - Damage changed from 8 to 6.
Renfri: Blessing of Humility - Boost changed from 5 to 4.
Renfri: Blessing of Patience - Cooldown changed from 7 to 8.
Renfri: Blessing of Temperance - Set power changed from 12 to 10.
Sir Scratch-a-Lot - Now has the Knight tag.
The Manor's Dark Secret - Prologue ability changed to:
Spawn a Cursed Damsel on this row and boost it by 2.
Bjorn Stormursson - Power changed from 5 to 4.
Armor changed from 2 to 1.
Deranged Corsair - Power changed from 4 to 3.
[b]Northern Realms
Knighthood - Provision cost changed from 5 to 10. Ability changed to: Play a Knight from your deck and boost it by 1 for each Knight you control.
Cintrian Knight - The Deploy no longer has a Melee row requirement.
Added secondary categories to a LOT of units across the board.
Barnabas Beckenbauer - Power changed from 6 to 5. Provision cost changed from 10 to 8.
Munro Bruys - Armor changed from 1 to 0. Removed Charges. Added new part of ability: Cooldown: 2
Barricade: Set Cooldown to 1.
Mysteries of Loc Feainn - Provision cost changed from 15 to 14.
Waters of Brokilon - Provision cost changed from 12 to 11.
Weeping Willow - Ability changed to: Harmony. Order (Melee): Boost self by the number of unique primary categories among units you control. Deploy (Ranged): Poison an enemy unit.
Zoltan: Warrior - Armor changed from 1 to 0.
Dryad Ranger - Power changed from 3 to 4 Ability changed to: Harmony. Deploy (Melee): Damage an enemy unit by 2. Deploy (Ranged): Poison an enemy unit.
Trained Hawk - Ability changed to: Harmony. Deploy (Melee): Damage an enemy unit by 2. Deploy (Ranged): Move a unit to their other row.
The Eternal Eclipse - Provision cost changed from 15 to 14.
Eternal Eclipse Deacon - Provision cost changed from 5 to 4.
Eternal Eclipse Initiate - Infused ability changed to: "Whenever your opponent plays a Cultist, damage self by 1. Deathwish: Spawn a base copy of self on the opposite row, Infuse it with the Cultist category, then set its power to the number of Cultist your opponent controls."
Conjurer's Candle - Provision cost changed from 6 to 7.
In Search of Forgotten Treasures - Provision cost changed from 15 to 14.
Sir Skewertooth - Now has the Knight tag.
Failed Experiment - Cooldown changed from 1 to 3.
Treasure Huntress - Hoard requirement changed from 7 to 9.
[b]Game Fixes[/b]
Cards Spawned and added to the playstack by Scenarios, Locations, and certain units no longer jump to the top of the playstack.
Row restriction warnings now trigger correctly on mobile devices, for each card played after the first on each turn.
Grace abilities now trigger immediately when a unit that met the requirements while Locked is Purified.
Stockpile no longer reduces the Cooldowns of Locked units.
Bronwen, Reynard, and Windhalm are no longer able to use their Order abilities before the Grace requirement is met.
Damien de la Tour now resets Leader abilities that are on Cooldown.
In Search of Forgotten Treasures is now correctly Doomed, as per the tooltip.
Dettlaff: Higher Vampire and Viy no longer Spawn Cataclysm from Deranged Corsair's Infused Deathwish in the graveyard.
Hen Gaidth Sword now banishes units on Deathblow when it has a soul stored.
Mask of Uroboros now Spawns Crows even when the deck is empty.
Sir Scratch-a-Lot, Red Riders: Charge, Chameleon, and Teleportation no longer ignore Doomed, and affected units will now be Banished correctly when replayed.
"Replay" abilities used to reset the cards to their default state before they were picked up - now that order is reversed and card is only reset after it leaves the battlefield, which results in getting banished by Doomed status.
Tokens that were Purified of Doomed will no longer be Banished when replayed.
Viraxas (Prince; Outcast; King) is no longer able to bypass Grace requirements when activating a unit's Order.
Weavess: Incantation now triggers Deathwish abilities before Giant Toad is able to react to them.
Cow Carcass's end of turn timing now works as intended; its unnecessary Timer was removed.
Imperial Practitioner now correctly displays the card it will Spawn in its tooltip.
Knight Errant's Infusion no longer triggers its boost when the Shielded and Infused unit is Purified.
Nekurat now reacts to Vampires played from the opponent's deck or graveyard.
Treasure Huntress is no longer able to target Immune units.