Patch Notes #10

CONCLUSE 2 - The Drifting Prefecture

Concluse 2 is an atmospheric horror game which takes place immediately after the events of Concluse. Face off with the denizens of the Edison Hotel and the expansive Drifting Prefecture.

The following fixes have been made since patch notes #9 came out. Some have been fixed already for a few days but most are from todays updates: [list] [*] Fixed Prefecture level 3 sequence. Hope and Autumn cutscene that was playing early now occurs only after defeating the level 3 boss and then returning back to the starting area. Before the level was ending prematurely directly after beating the boss. [*] Added a save point to the third Prefecture level. [*] Prefecture level 2 boss Varren should no longer be able to attack while transitioning to his floating state. [*] When returning to the Grand Wizard's Sanctum (Chapter 3) after defeating Thomas Vorrington the teleporter should now be disabled and the imprisoned gods shouldn't be reset. [*] Fixed "Are you okay" voice line replaying upon leaving the slaughter house in Prefecture level 5. [*] Fixed double "Do we need to do anything" voice line in Prefecture level 5. [*] Fixed "Find our 4 cores" voice line replaying upon returning to the Twisted 4th Floor. [*] Disabled non-hooked up toy vending machine in the tram area of Prefecture level 2. (More on this in the future) [/list] We should have another patch ready soon which will include the following fixes: [list] [*] Ensuring the Twisted 4th Floor computers overlapping button issue is fixed by removing their dependence on resolution. We thought we had addressed this before but it appears we need a more concrete fix. [*] Fix for Twisted Ducky's puzzle progress not being saved. [/list] Thank you everyone for helping us out and continuing to report issues when you find them. We've also really enjoyed reading recent reviews and other feedback. As always we hope everyone continues to enjoy the game! [i]~ Tyler and Jon[/i]