New Optional Prefecture Missions & Capsule Toy Collectibles

CONCLUSE 2 - The Drifting Prefecture

Concluse 2 is an atmospheric horror game which takes place immediately after the events of Concluse. Face off with the denizens of the Edison Hotel and the expansive Drifting Prefecture.

[h1]New Optional Missions[/h1] In the Prefecture you can now interact with the Mission Board in front of the Provisional Government Office to take on optional missions for monetary reward. Currently we have added three missions in which the player will return to a completed level of the Prefecture where new areas have been made accessible. Two of these missions are in the first fold and one is in the second fold. The new missions feature new areas, NPCs, voice acting, mechanics, and cutscenes. The monetary reward for these missions can be spent however you like on the Prefecture's various consumables, or you can purchase Capsule Tokens from the general store to use at one of the areas capsule toy machines. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/34734842/b0f6d1b122fad2d6a3021c8a52f53107b93c87ee.jpg[/img] [h2]Capsule Toys[/h2] There are a total of 60 capsule toys for players to collect. These collectibles are viewable through a third inventory category and each can be viewed and rotated. When using the toy machines the received toy is randomized. Will you collect them all? [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/34734842/4ff3b7c326e6a77bc676d2f8646b233fcf54bf9e.png[/img] [h3]Bug Fixes[/h3] The following bug fixes are included in this update: [list] [*] Getting stuck in the 5th floor window should be fixed. [*] Abby sequence on mirrored roof should no longer be skippable. [*] Mirrored roof puzzle control panel door labels are no longer duplicated. Labels correctly specify the tanks the panel controls. [*] Door signs in the mirrored stairs are now actually mirrored. [/list] We hope you all enjoy this update! [i]~ Tyler & Jon[/i]