PATCH NOTES : (09/06/2024 - 10/06/2024 - 12/06/2024)


Bodycam is the first ultra-realistic multiplayer, first-person shooter game made using the latest technologies of the next-gen game engine Unreal Engine 5. Get ready to dive into fast-paced Bodycam actions, where every bullet counts and every choice can decide over the victory or loss of your team.

[h2][b]PATCH 09/06/2024[/b][/h2] [list] [*] Adding back Quickplay (Joining only lobbies ingame) [*] Disable kill other players in the training range [*] Maps visual bug and collision found [*] Menus errors & bad translation [*] Match time nerf : around 5min max [*] Motion Blur Option added [*] Performance Settings Updated [*] Rank detail point visible in leaderboard. [/list] [b]REMINDER[/b] [list] [*] If you have any performance issue please read this documentation : [*] if you are having still trouble for joining games. Try to host a game and players will join you. [/list] [h2][b]PATCH 10/06/2024[/b][/h2] [list] [*] Spawn in deathmatch has been modified to avoid spawn kills as much as possible. [*] Quickplay will not join Training Range lobbies Anymore. [*] Private Server bugs are fixed sometimes players managed to join private lobbies [*] Lobby Accessibility is now saved and can be change ingame : Pause > Lobby > Settings > Lobby Access > Public or Friends Only [*] Possibility of buying item without having the amout of R. : We saw you take advantage of it but we're not going to say anything this time🫣 ...µ [*] Same ingame name for teammates [/list] [b]ADDED[/b] [list] [*] NEW GUN : FN FAL mix between a sniper and an AR with a lot of damage but a slower rate [*] Game Build - Now you can only join people who have the same game update as you. This avoids certain connection problems : Game build are showcase in the server list, if you have a lower version than other players you need to update the game to join them ! [*] Rpoints used for obtain skins are now drop at every kills : To prevent lost from leaving and gaining nothing [*] Sharpness Option > if you find that the game is too blurry: settings > graphics > scroll until you see Sharpness [*] Host player information : More UI information in menus to help new players! [*] - 12 new musics! : have fun [/list] [b]REMOVE[/b] [list] [*] Kick option : we are reworking the voting system which will be less punitive for the players [/list] [b]MAPS [/b] [list] [*] worn house : the spawn has been reversed to avoid the advantage of the bomber in the basement The basement is undergoing renovations after multiple bombs have destroyed it [*] We will introduce soon as voted the map called Abandonned Hospital first, we will keep you informed when it is updated [/list] [b]ERROR[/b] [list] [*] We are aware that lots of people are getting a DXGI_ERROR_SERVICE_REMOVED error. [*] [*] Make sure to check the following tips to (hopefully) fix the problem. [/list]([url=][/url]) [b]REMINDER[/b] If you have any performance issue please read this documentation : Players who updated first will have difficulty connecting, however since this update this should no longer be a problem (for the next one) [h2][b]PATCH 12/06/2024[/b][/h2] [list] [*] Deathmatch Spawn time reduced [*] TumbleWood :The map has been reduced by 50% to increase performance. We have also added some small points of interest from the airsoft map. [/list] [b]ADDED[/b] [list] [*] Grain correction: Settings > Graphic Settings > Grain > You can now turn off the grain for some of you having bug with it [*] Server list : addition of a new section with the games which have just started and which we advise you to join [/list] PLEASE IF YOU WANT TO SUPPORT US > MAKE REVIEW ON STEAM ❤️