Bodycam update V0.1.2.4: NEW MAP ABANDONED HOSPITAL - 18/06/2024


Bodycam is the first ultra-realistic multiplayer, first-person shooter game made using the latest technologies of the next-gen game engine Unreal Engine 5. Get ready to dive into fast-paced Bodycam actions, where every bullet counts and every choice can decide over the victory or loss of your team.

[b]FIXES[/b] [list] [*] [b]Foliage Settings[/b]: Disabled the ability to hide foliage in low mode. [*] [b]Quickplay[/b]: The quickplay option won't send players to the training range map anymore. [*] [b]Rank Reset[/b]: Fixed rank reset bug. [*] [b]Performance Improvement[/b]: Might not work for everyone, but for the majority of players. It depends on your PC specs. Make sure to set your Direct X version to 12 if you previously downgraded to 11 so the changes can apply. [/list] [b]CHANGES[/b] [list] [*] [b]Grain Correction[/b]: Settings > Graphic Settings > Grain > [i]You can now turn off the grain if you are experiencing bugs with it.[/i] [*] [b]White Line Artifact Correction[/b]: Remove some white artifacting happening on some people's devices. [*] [b]Server List[/b]: Addition of a new section with games that have just started and that we recommend joining. [*] [b]Bomb Theft Bug[/b]: Fixed the bug where stealing the bomb from an ally's hand would create issues. [/list] [b]MAPS[/b] [list] [*] [b]New Map[/b]: Abandoned Hospital! [i]An abandoned hospital with a long corridor empty of life. Be careful, you may not be alone.[/i] [b](Please note: You may experience FPS drops upon startup as the game loads for the first time.)[/b] [*] [b]Map Fix[/b]: Correction of shadows on Tumblewood. [/list] [b]BANS[/b] [list] [*] Reported cheaters have been banned, if you encounter any other ones in your games, make sure to report them in #🔒┆cheater-report (with proof and a Steam profile, otherwise we can't do anything about it). [*] Leaderboards have been cleaned, people abusing points have been removed. [/list] [b]IMPORTANT NEW FEATURES[/b] [list] [*] [b]Steam Profile View[/b]: You are now able to check every player's Steam account during a game. Just press escape, go to the "Lobby" menu and you'll have a "profile" button. [*] [b]Kick system[/b]: We re-implemented a new version of the kick system, a 10 seconds vote will now be started to gather the player's choice on whether to kick a player or not. To start a vote, press escape, go to the "Lobby" menu and you'll have a "kick" button. [/list] [i]If kicked, that player will __not__ be able to rejoin the server before the current ongoing game is finished.[/i] [i]PLEASE IF YOU WANT TO SUPPORT US > MAKE REVIEW ON STEAM ❤️[/i]