Patch Notes 0.3.7a

World of Grimm

Dive into the enchanting universe of Grimm Fairytales! Collect powerful cards, engage in fast-paced battles, and rewrite the destiny of iconic characters. Unleash your strategic skills in this captivating and fast-paced collectible card game. Join the adventure now!

[h3]0.3.7a Hotfix Build Change Notes - October 10, 2023 [/h3] [b]CARD CHANGES[/b]: [u]CINDERELLA[/u] Old (4 Mana 5/6) -> New (4 Mana [b]2[/b]/6) [i]We reduced the Health side of Cinderella to open her up to counterplay. She was super overstated so we're adjusting both her and [u]The Stepmother[/u] to make it more fair. [/i][u]THE STEPMOTHER[/u] Old (4 Mana 6/5) -> New (4 Mana [b]3[/b]/5) [u]THE WOLF[/u] Old (6 Mana 5/4, At end of game, +3 Attack Power for each card in opponent's hand) New (6 Mana [b]2/5[/b], At end of game,[b] +2 Attack Power for each card in opponent's hand[/b]) [i]The Wolf impacts the game at the very end of the game, we've noticed through significant playtests that he's typically getting +12-15 Attack Power. Reducing his bonus but giving him one more Attack Power should balance him out and feel more fair. There really is no counterplay for cards that have end of match text, so we're really optimistic on this change.[/i] [b]ADDITIONS[/b]: N/A [b]CHANGES[/b]: Updated the rate at which you unlock cards. The first 10 cards are unlocked at a much faster rate than before. By CCL 30, you will have 40% more cards unlocked. [b]FIXES[/b]: [u]CHILD-EATER[/u] ability no longer kills cards before they are revealed.