Patch Notes: 0.2.1


CivIdle is an idle/incremental game that allows you to lead your own civilization through thousands of years from ancient times to the modern era. Expand your territory, explore a vast tech tree, build various wonders, and trade with global players: empire must grow and numbers must go up!

First of all, I apologize for the delay of 0.2.1 - this build had some issues in the beta branch and I kept it in beta a bit longer than usual. If you are on the beta branch and are affected by the issue, please see [url=]this thread[/url] for details. This means 0.3.0 will be slightly delayed as well. 0.3.0 will bring a wonder cost balance (more streamline build time / cost), new great people, and a reworked market and warehouse. Several player trade enhancements. You can see the roadmap [url=]here[/url] [h3]0.2.1[/h3] Bugfix: Fix a bug where transport preference / max transport distance are carried over after rebirth before the relevant tech is unlocked Bugfix: Always show transport preference for Warehouse/Caravansary Bugfix: Fix a bug where Hagia Sophia, Summer Palace and Mogao Caves causes double counting of happiness from Shrines Bugfix: Fix a bug where sometimes building have extra resources after construction / upgrade Bugfix: Fix a bug where Statistics does not include market output Bugfix: Fix a bug where happiness fractions are not correctly rounded QoL: Add keyboard shortcut for Toggle Building Production and Toggle Building Production and Apply To All (@sextondb) QoL: Progress towards the next great person will now starts at 0% QoL: Rebirth section in Home building now shows the total empire value required for the next 3 extra great people