Patch 2024.7.3.2

Heroic Kingdom: Origins

Awaken without memory, embark on a journey to uncover your identity and unravel the world's dark mysteries. Traverse stunning landscapes, face punishing bosses in this captivating action RPG.

[h1]Fixes:[/h1] [list] [*] Fixed an issue where fog would disappear when player camera would clip an object after changes to lighting/fog. [*] Fixed an issue where NPC's were not triggering doors. [*] Fixed an issue where Butcher's hidden door was not allowing players through. [/list] [h1]New:[/h1] [list] [*] Adjusted overall brightness after changes to Lighting/Fog. [*] Adjusted overall color after changes to lighting/fog. [*] Changed whisp to be full point light to be more of a crisp source of light. [*] Additional updates to skeleton castle area. [*] Adjusted HUD on main menu to scale better with all screen sizes. [*] Adjusted HUD in game to scale better with all screen sizes. [/list]