ULTRAKILL is a fast-paced ultraviolent retro FPS combining the skill-based style scoring from character action games with unadulterated carnage inspired by the best shooters of the '90s. Rip apart your foes with varied destructive weapons and shower in their blood to regain your health.
[*] Added a shortcut at the start of P-2 that opens if the player has encountered the boss at least once
[*] P-2 boss no longer becomes unparryable in the second phase on Violent difficulty (second phase stamina increased to compensate)
[*] Reduced non-boss Ferryman health from 40 to 30
[*] Removed one Cerberus from the last P-2 arena
[*] Chargebacks will now ignore blessed enemies while targeting
[*] Restructured and repaced Flesh Panopticon's death for greater clarity
[*] Increased volume for all Sisyphus Prime voicelines
[*] Added a slight trail to Sisyphus Prime's teleports
[*] Reduced chances of Sisyphus Prime hitting the player through the floor
[*] Falling OOB during the P-2 boss fight will now reset the player or the boss back inside the arena
[*] Changed the physics of Stalkers to reduce the possibility of phasing through surfaces when magneted
[*] Added a failsafe to the last P-2 arena in case the Stalker dies prematurely
[*] Fixed a bug that allowed punching at an angle to break the Idols in P-2
[*] The red hallway in P-2 now deals a flat 30 damage and acts as a solid surface instead of dealing a non-lethal max 50 with a teleport back to ground
[*] Fixed a bug that caused Flesh Panopticon's death animation to not play out if the player paused during it
[*] Flesh Panopticon now opens its mouth properly while firing mortars
[*] Flesh Panopticon's mortars now spawn from its mouth rather than in front of it
[*] Fixed scrolling in P-2 terminals not working if the player has downscaling turned on
[*] Enemies hidden by Streetcleaner flames will now display outlines
[*] Alter arm can now make breakable sandbox objects unbreakable
[*] Fixed the Radiance effect being offset from enemy models
[*] Radiant Stalkers will now also make the enemies it sands radiant
[*] Fixed a bug that caused the "buffs forceradiance" console command to disappear
[*] Fixed "Remember Last Used Weapon" breaking the 6th weapon slot if the player's last used weapon in that slot was the second or third one
[*] Fixed a rare bug that caused the game to not load, resulting in just a black screen
[*] Fixed players being unable to change weapons while starting a level
[*] Stored dash frames are now drained at 20% rate while sliding
[*] S.R.S. Cannonballs can now be launched by pressing primary fire when charged
[*] S.R.S. Cannonballs now have a 1 second window after bouncing off an enemy before they can hit another in order to stop cannonballs from breaking instantly after a bounce
[*] If hit with an S.R.S. Cannonball right before landing from a jump, Insurrectionists will stay knocked down for longer
[*] Developer museum Rocket Race now gives rideable rockets infinite fuel
[*] Developer museum Rocket Race is now replayable
[*] Fixed the Gianni attack easter egg and 5-S time of day not resetting when restarting from death or via the checkpoint main menu option
[*] Reading the 5-S Testament will now mute the TV
[*] The exit for 5-S is no longer spawned in until the exit door opens
[*] Changed glow color of the P-1 skull on P-2 door from gold to red
[*] Fixed a bug that caused Flesh Panopticon's music to not reset its pitch on checkpoint restart
[*] Fixed Flesh Panopticon using the wrong name for Alter arm's health bar setting
[*] Fixed P-2 ending not activating if the boss is killed in Clash mode
[*] Fixed a bug that caused Mindflayers to not explode on death if the player activates a checkpoint during their death animation
[*] Using the "simpler explosions" graphics option will now also stop the Cannonball break effect from triggering when exploded
[*] Fixed fish sometimes swimming out of water
[*] Fixed enemies sometimes spawning sideways with the spawner arm
[*] Fixed Mysterious Druid Knight (& Owl)'s spawner arm preview clipping into the hand
[*] Fixed 5-S HUD not scaling down at low resolutions
[*] Changed positions of the Developer museum chess pieces to conform to standard chess rules
[*] Fixed a developer museum Swordsmachine's sword having an outline
[*] Force disabled outlines for players using CoreGL due to an unfixable outline bug
[*] Fixed a bug that caused Size 2 fish to not be catchable