Patch 1.4.3 is Available


The world is a vast, beautiful and dangerous place – especially when you have been shrunk to the size of an ant. Can you thrive alongside the hordes of giant insects, fighting to survive the perils of the backyard?

[h1] Grounded 1.4.3 Bug Fixes / Changes [/h1] [b]General Changes[/b] [list] [*]Updated the Photomode screenshot folder location on Windows to be compatible with Windows 11. [*]Improved shadow drawing distance of a handful of Playground gizmos and gadgets. [*]Pinned objectives with a lot of text will instead cut off after 70 characters and show “…” at the end. [*]Improved the Hedge visuals when viewing it from far away on Low graphics settings. [*]The “Load Last Save” button in the Death menu is usable when playing on a Shared World. [/list] [b] REMIX.D Yard - Changes: [/b] [list] [*]Hedge Broodmother scream attack no longer triggers Infusion Effects unless damage is taken. [*]Randomized trinkets that have different effects no longer stack in the hot pouch allowing you to assign them to different hot pouch slots. [/list] [b] Optimizations: [/b] [list] [*]Memory usage optimizations to prevent rogue spikes of memory when loading some assets. [*]Improved load times in later game saves. [/list] [b] Xbox One: [/b] [list] [*]Dramatically reduced memory usage resulting in less Out of Memory crashes. [/list] [b] PlayStation 5 [/b] [list] [*]FPS will more consistently stay at 60 FPS. [*]Fixed issue where save games during New Game+ could sometimes corrupt. [/list] [b] Nintendo Switch [/b] [list] [*]Reduced memory usage resulting in less Out of Memory crashes. [*]Reduced FPS drops when walking around labs via lab doors opening and closing. [/list] [b] Major Fixes: [/b] [list] [*]Deduping an equipped trinket via the ASL properly removes the trinket. (Fixed in 1.4.2 hot-fix) [*]Buildings will no longer improperly say “No Land Rights” when building on a base near large objects (like the Oak tree). (Fixed in 1.4.2 hot-fix) [*]Baby ant pets and other walking pets should no longer knock you around and off of ledges when walking or teleporting near you. [*]Pets will no longer occasionally fall through the world when teleporting near you. [*]Saves that had started the Hedge Quest prior to version 1.3.0 will properly unlock the Hedge Ascent landmark in their data tab. [*]When a crossplay user invites a non crossplay user, the non-crossplay user will now receive the invite. [*]Added a “Restore Player Data” Game Repair button if your save game is in a state where you have multiple player files matching your profile and you are loading the incorrect player data. [*]Fixed a a few cases of certain saves games infinitely loading. [*]Fixed a potential client crash that could happen when starting a new game. [/list] [b] Other Bug Fixes: [/b] [list] [*]The Report Card and Milk Molar BURG.L quest will properly account for the different amount of Milk Molars in the yard when in New Game+. [*]Water Fleas and Diving Bell Spiders no longer ignore you while having the Antbassador mutation activated. [*]Ants will hoard less food around ant hills. This should reduce performance issues when approaching ant hills that previously would have a lot of food laying around. [*]Baby Ants will no longer eat your food in your base. [*]Using a keyboard on consoles to do in-game chat no longer automatically opens the virtual keyboard. [*]Pets can be renamed on gamepad. [*]Clients can unlock the “Royal Arrangements” and “Did I Do That?” achievements in New Game+. [*]Clients no longer get disconnected on Playgrounds that have lots of links to base buildings. [*]Clients who use “Place Many” will no have their building move around 1 second after starting the Place Many action. [*]Toggling marker visibility on clients works correctly for far away markers. [*]Raw science in Playgrounds handle their spawn state properly after all players are far away and then approach it. [*]Interact actions while in third person mode work more reliably for clients. [*]Mantis properly animates when emerging for the boss fight. [*]Voice chat indicators no longer show up when sending an in-game message. [*]Fixed some rebinding issues with building placement when using an AZERTY style keyboard. [*]Red and Fire Ant Queen Pheromones now use the correct icons. [*]“This save has a high object count” shows up underneath Published Playgrounds so it doesn’t block the download and vote counts. [*]“Rotate Building” key rebinds can properly be changed for Keyboard. [*]“Did I Do That?” achievement will properly resync if completed on next load if completed while offline. (Xbox, PC, Switch) [*]“Did I Do That?” can be achieved for clients during New Game+. Fixed ‘Spicy Damage Up Best' using the 'Spicy Damage Up Major’ text. [*]“Royal Arrangements” achievement can be completed on New Game+ for players who did not complete it in the prior playthrough. [*]The Raw Science in the REMIX.R lab no longer triggers your SCA.B scanner. [*]The “Community Playgrounds” section can be accessed while not logged into a Xbox / Microsoft account so you can access Playgrounds you have already downloaded. [*]HUD Markers are no longer inverted on the screen while playing in Arabic. [*]Dandelion Tufts will still activate if you have no stamina when attempting to use. [*]The Object Limit indicator correctly resyncs after loading a save. Also syncs properly on clients. [*]Using First Person Handy Gnat no longer hides your Handy Gnat for other players. [*]“Spend More Science” no longer blocks 100% on New Game+ if you have purchased everything already in the Science Store. [*]Improved grid snapping buildings on Grass floors. [/list]