Patch 1.1.1 available


Test your fighting spirit as you take your party of brave adventurers on an epic quest to restore peace to the lands of Rezrog in this table-top inspired, turn-based, dungeon crawler. Upgrade your skills & tactically exploit enemy weaknesses as you try to handle everything the dungeons will throw at you.

[img][/img] Patch 1.1.1 brings a lot of changes and fixes and is available to everyone right now! Here is the full list: [b]Fixes[/b] [list] [*] Prisoner release logic updated, less prisoners being stuck now [*] Repairing fully damaged weapons properly restores weapon stats in all cases now [*] Fixed a few issues with game sounds (reveal sound on zero volume, music stopping abruptly, door open sound playing twice) [*] Monstropedia tooltip is now properly displayed in tavern [*] Enemy summoned props logic updated, less issues [*] Line of sight logic updated, fixed some issues with Teleport skill [*] Level 40 boss can no longer kick the player outside the boss area [*] Rare issue of level 40 boss throwing a rock onto the tile with a player in it fixed [*] Fixed issues where Summon Demon would consume mana when used with a demon already present on the battlefield [*] Skill targeting highlight updated (Fire Breath, Targeted Quake, Piercing Attack highlight is more consistent now) [*] Hotbar icon select/deselect logic updated, fixed some issues where the skill flags would get stuck visually [*] Multiple text fixes on various languages, where the text would not fit on lower resolutions [*] Dungeon generation logic updated, fixing cases where the dungeon would spawn with walls that can be walked through [*] Issue when the player cannot click anything in the tavern after the tutorial is fixed [*] Chain Lightning issue that would stop the game is fixed [*] Chain Lightning and other multi hit skills will no longer damage prisoners [*] Switching between skills with prop highlight will now properly refresh the highlight [*] Using space to end turn while skill highlight is on will now properly remove it [*] Fixed an issue with spider web not disappearing from summoned minion after its duration ends [*] Arcane Missiles issue that would stop the game is fixed [*] Level 20 boss issue that would stop the game is fixed [*] Level 20 boss will no longer push player character through not passable props like Ice Slab or Bone Wall [*] Level 20 boss can no longer be oneshot by reflecting his freezing effect with Magic Shield [*] Fixed an issue with level 80 boss that would make him teleport outside the arena [*] Vendor sell value corresponds to the value in the item tooltip now [*] Fixed an issue where summoned prop HP bar will get stuck in place [*] World map camera issue that would nudge the map when moving cursor was fixed [*] Fixed an issue with immobilizing some of the bosses that would make the game stuck [*] Broken sword objective issue that would prevent the player from being able to finish the dungeon was fixed [*] Menu callout restricted in menu while loading [*] Piercing strike highlight logic updated [*] Case of skill select sound being looped using fortitude piercing strike combination fixed [*] Action bar hotkey input blocked while in pause menu [*] Enter dungeon tooltip no longer gets stuck [*] Skillbook title no longer changes to other text during gameplay [*] Minor bugfixes and performance improvements under the hood [/list] [b]Improvements:[/b] [list] [*] Trader menu right click to buy items [*] Right click to equip items in inventory [*] Right click to move item from/to stash [*] Sort button added to stash [*] Output log clutter unnecessary statement generation removed, logs will be clearer now [*] Small amount of exp will be granted upon killing crystal spawned enemies [/list] [b]PLEASE NOTE:[/b] If you are experiencing issues with existing save games, please remove everything from the following folder before starting a new game: Windows: C:\Users\%your Windows user name%\AppData\LocalLow\Soaphog\Rezrog Mac: ~/Library/Application Support/unity.Soaphog.Rezrog Linux: ~/.config/unity3d/Soaphog/Rezrog Also note that the game uses Steam Cloud and if you delete save files and launch the game Steam may automatically download old saves back.