Patch 1.082

SeaOrama: World of Shipping

Experience the challenges of running a successful shipping company with Seaorama: World of Shipping.

Seaorama Update: Hotfixes and Improvements [h3]Seaorama Update: Focused Fixes for a Smoother Experience[/h3] Hello, Seaorama Captains! We're rolling out a small yet significant update focused mainly on hotfixes and quality-of-life improvements. Here's what we've fine-tuned: [h2]Hotfixes and Improvements[/h2] [list] [*][b]Contracts Status Fix:[/b] Resolved an issue where ships were stuck due to broken contract statuses.[/*] [*][b]Minimap Rendering Fix:[/b] Fixed the minimap rendering issues in the operation and other windows, ensuring a seamless display.[/*] [*][b]Feedback Window Adjustment:[/b] The feedback windows have been adjusted to fit wide screens better, enhancing visibility and usability.[/*] [*][b]Report Renaming:[/b] Changed 'Canal Fees' report to 'Port & Canal Fees' for clearer understanding of total expenses.[/*] [*][b]Canal Fees Adjustment:[/b] Updated canal fees prices for a more balanced gameplay experience.[/*] [*][b]Charter Fees Fix:[/b] Corrected Charter fees contracts to normal levels, addressing the previous imbalance.[/*] [/list] This update aims to refine your gaming experience with these targeted fixes. We always strive to ensure Seaorama runs smoothly for all our players. Your feedback is crucial in this continuous improvement journey, so don't hesitate to reach out with your thoughts and suggestions. Happy sailing! [u]The Seaorama Team[/u]