Patch 1.0.8 - Settings and balance


Relax and listen to the hypnotizing world of Oxytone, slow paced puzzle game where you rotate hexagonal tiles with paths. Each tile can be used up to six times, creating tangled paths.

Hello! In the latest update, I focused on revamping the settings section in the game, balancing challenges, and removing the holiday mode. The most important changes: [list] [*] Christmas removed. [*] Added the ability to set the volume for sounds and music, because the lack of such an option in a paid game is a scandal. [*] The balance of some maps has been changed. So it's possible that you've already earned gold, the achievements should be calculated correctly. [*] Added option for epileptics, no lights flash and some animations play slower. [*] The behavior of the camera has been changed, now it does not return to its place after 3 seconds, you simply need to make a move on the board for the camera to return. However, if you are used to 3 seconds and back, you can turn it on in the options. [*] Added the ability to enable high contrast trails. They are not as beautiful as the basic ones, but they make it easier for people with poor eyesight to untangle the most tangled routes. [*] The display of frames per second and actual frames per second has appeared in Options. This will make it easier to adjust the quality to the power of your computer. [*] Some background and trail themes have been modified to be more contrasting [*] The current track length and maximum combo are shown in the pause menu. [/list] Bug fixes: [list] [*] Addressed minor bugs and probably introduced some new ones... Report them on the Steam forum or Discord! [/list] And for some exciting news, if there are no more bugs... I'm starting work on a new map pack, which will be available for free to all Oxytone owners!"