Patch 08/02/22

Suits: Absolute Power

A business planet full of mystery, relics of power, dangerous jobs and terrifying monstrosities. Will your company defy the toxicity of this environment or will you find yourselves courting the power of corruption itself, in absolution.

Hello, long time no see. I've been working on our next game Gamma 19, which you should wishlist, and I had some free time to make some changes to Suits 2 since someone brought up how bad the RNG was and I felt the need to find a way to make it better. Also I was watching someone play Suits 2 and noticed some small issues. -Change how random chances are handled. Changed from true random to pseudo random. -Increased Recyclese's skill chances to hit by a bit. -Fixed a bug that occurs when an enemy corrupts and has less skill in their corrupt form they execute the wrong skill. -Fixed more typos. -Fixed an issue where the player can softlock the game by punching and interacting with a destroyable interactable item. -Moved a box in Lube City to a reachable place.