Patch 0.7.2 : Navigation Improvements

Epic Fantasy Battle Simulator

Welcome to Epic Fantasy Battle Simulator, the most immersive medieval battle simulator to date! Throw tens of thousands of soldiers into battle, enjoy the show, or take control of one of them to prove your valor! The only limit is your imagination! Or maybe your CPU?

[u]Patch Notes:[/u] [list] [*] Fixed a bug where multiple units were spawned at the same location during deployment. [*] Diminished the visual square pattern effect on squads: [olist] [*] Increased the individual unit position offset during deployment [*] Added a subtle run speed randomization for each individual unit [/olist] [*] Improved target distribution, preventing navigation bottlenecks: Squads no longer just pick the closest enemy squad as target. They now communicate with each other, and try to distribute the targets evenly. Here is an example: [olist] [*] Starting situation (blue squads are in Attack mode, red Squads are in Hold mode): [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/41064803/b5219b8ea5d39cb40f7a00f96d754d868192ce2d.png[/img] [*] Before Patch: Most squads are stuck, staying in line, waiting for their turn to attack [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/41064803/4ac187aa4fa58ddfe55ce25490a731a6de50bf3b.png[/img] [*]After Patch: Squads are spreading to cover more ground [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/41064803/1486e353d74da7f249ca5203c4f4544052f98552.png[/img] [/olist] [/list]