Getting this version out early because of a lighting issue in Infected areas which made it impossible to see for a lot of players.
Here's all the things done in this version, in preparation for 0.2:
[*] Fixed Hunter monster neck stretching out strangely during some animations,
[*] Fixed lighting on doors,
[*] Fixed bug in infection shaders that made infected environments pure black making it very hard to see anything,
[*] Infection spread rate is more balanced for harder missions,
[*] Source monster now shows up properly in Afterlife,
[*] Adjustments to volumetric lighting to improve visuals and atmosphere,
[*] Performance adjustments for main menu background scene,
[*] General visual improvements and performance improvements,
[*] Adjustments to materials to improve reflections and visual quality,
[*] When power is lost lights now turn off instead of turning red,
[*] Infection growths now only show up on fully infected areas,
[*] Infection growths will now vanish when the Infection is destroyed,
[*] Changed how the Infection spreads which diversifies the spread behavior between Infection types,
[*] Adjustments in ambient ship sounds,
[*] Ambient ship sounds now fade out when the Reactor Core breaks,
[*] Hunter footstep sound are now audible over a larger distance,
[*] Hunter breathing now becomes muffled the farther away it is,
[*] Made player flashlight a little brighter,