Oct-Dec 23 Update


Manage and decorate your own magical garden as the Gardener Golem Bert. Craft potions, make friends and deal with the bureaucratic hurdles of landownership!

[h1]Howdy, partners![/h1] We definetly DID NOT FROGET to post here for the last two months!!! [i](we did)[/i] [h3][b]OR[/b][/h3] We just purposefully skipped the October and November update post JUST for you to get this MEGA MAXI UPDATE POST right before Christianities anniversary day! [h2][i]“Sooo what have we been up to?”[/i], you might ask. [i]Well...[/i][/h2] [h3]1. We added 5 new languages![/h3] We added [b]Spanish[/b], [b]Portuguese[/b], [b]Japanese[/b], [b]French[/b], and [b]Simplified Chinese[/b] to the fully supported languages of Golembert! These languages are currently the most spoken (and not yet supported) languages in the countries our top 20 most wishlists come from! So if your language isn’t included (like [b]Dutch[/b], [b]Turkish[/b], [b]Swedish[/b], or [b]Polish[/b]): ask all your friends to wishlist Golembert so we can add your language to our game next time!!! [h3]2. We held our first public talk![/h3] We were asked to speak in front of 50 young game talents about our indie dev journey so far! It went really well and we hope we inspired some younglings to pursue a career in games in the future too :-) [h3]3. We finished a 1h+ long alpha demo![/h3] Because we got lucky to talk to a big publisher we finished a vertical slice-y demo to send it to them. In the end they weren’t interested enough to start negotiating a deal with us but we still got valuable feedback out of the talks! [h2][i]And what are we currently doing?[/i][/h2] [h3]1. Finishing up stuff![/h3] Next year we really want to start pumping out content and for that we need to finish our main assets/systems. This will still take up some months of 2024 but after that we plan to massively add quests & visual customization! [h3]2. Reworking our Steam page![/h3] Because we changed a lot of our game’s storyline this year we thought it was time to rework our Steam page to reflect these changes as well. We also really wanted to add more GIFs and use less text!!! [h3]3. Figuring out a translation pipeline![/h3] Because we added new languages to our game we’re trying out different translation approaches. The current pipeline for example experiments with re-translation to identify meaning or syntax errors. [i]Fun![/i] ___ If you want to know more about our process/progress: [url=https://www.youtube.com/@studiofirlefanz/videos]check out our devlogs on YouTube![/url] We post there monthly and talk about things we work on. You can also suggest us video topics or ask questions in the comments if you want to! :-) [h2]This year did go by really fast for us.[/h2] A lot of stuff happened and it still feels overwhelming sometimes to be a two people indie studio. Therefore it is always good to pick a time to sit back and think about the goods things that happened to oneself in the past couple of months. [i]And what time is more qualified to do that than the end of the year?![/i] With that said: Hope y’all have a good time around the Jahreswechsel (as we Germans say) – [b]wish you all the best for 2024![/b] See you on the other side, Alicia & Lion [previewyoutube=c0UqWccOjq8;full][/previewyoutube]