Jan-Mar 24 Update


Manage and decorate your own magical garden as the Gardener Golem Bert. Craft potions, make friends and deal with the bureaucratic hurdles of landownership!

[h1]Gutentag, my friends![/h1] I must again ask for your compassionate understanding: [b]I FORGOT TO POST HERE!!![/b] [h3][i]or [b]DID I???[/b][/i][/h3] We will never know but what we do know is: January, February and the month of the marching bands have passed and I am ready to tell you all about it. [h2]So what did we dideli-do for so long??[/h2] [h3]1. We made composting more complex![/h3] Isn't that what we all sweat and dream about at night? More complex composting mechanics??? Well, that's why we converted our simple put-something-in-get-something-out composting system into a three chamber system, which you unlock over time. Higher chambers produce better/more finished compost. Just like a real multi-chambered compost does! [h3]2. We added the first Herbie![/h3] We finished designing the small garden creatures that roam your garden (codename: Herbies) for now and added the first lil Herbo with a full walk cycle and idle anim and [u]it looking good[/u]. Stay tuned for our next devlog to see more! Did I just say… devlog??? [h3]3. We made a YouTube video about our so far 2 year long dev journey![/h3] HURRAY It took me (Lion) almost three weeks to finish this 16 minute long colossus so I highly recommend you to check it out! It takes you along with our decisions, indecisions, failures and successes from 2020 all the way to today. Hope you can laugh or learn about a thing or two from them! [i]([url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fdIVzr8KyOc]click here[/url] to get to the video or scroll down to its embedded version at the end of this article)[/i] [h2]And what are we [i]currently[/i] doing?[/h2] [h3]1. Writing dialogues![/h3] Maybe that sounds familiar to you but we are STILL writing dialogues!!! We too reworked the rework of our reworked story (again). That should explain why we’re still writing writings! But seriously: our main quests/dialogues are almost 50% done and we’ll finish them this month. Fingers crossed! [h3]2. Rendering the island![/h3] Our island design is finally done and we are finishing up all the prototypical parts of it. Most of them (about 50%) are already done but there is still a bit to clean up! [h3]3. Staying mentally stable![/h3] Indie game development is – contrary to what you might think – mostly not about being technically skilled enough to make a game but about being mentally skilled enough to endure an endless process of recurring feedback, rework, and doubt spirals. That’s a circumstance that takes a long time to come to terms with and that one almost cannot prepare for. Currently we are in a more stable mental condition and we are planning to continue to be so! [h2]So – how has your start of 2024 been? Write me on MSN or honk twice if all is well![/h2] [b]Oh, your are still reading??[/b] Well, then: If you want to know more about our process/progress: [url=https://www.youtube.com/@studiofirlefanz/videos]check out our devlogs on YouTube![/url] We post there monthly and talk about things we work on. You can also suggest us video topics or ask questions in the comments if you want to! :-) That's it for now! See you in a bit (or byte???), Alicia & Lion [previewyoutube=fdIVzr8KyOc;full][/previewyoutube]