Introduction Post


Manage and decorate your own magical garden as the Gardener Golem Bert. Craft potions, make friends and deal with the bureaucratic hurdles of landownership!

[h1]Hi everyone![/h1] Since today marks the one month anniversary of our Steam page launch we thought it would be great to make our first Steam Community post to tell you about the [b]TOP 3 THINGS we are currently working on[/b]! And because we Germans love a good ordered list this information will be presented to you in numerals! (yeay, numerals!!!) [h2]So currently we are:[/h2] [h3]1. Rethinking and reworking our crafting system![/h3] Because we tested our game a lot and also talked to a publisher who reviewed our game we came to the conclusion that we need a strong secondary main mechanic beside our Permaculture gardening. Because we already had different types of processing mechanics and a basic crafting system implemented we decided to merge these two to one advanced potion crafting system. One big benefit of this merger is that everything crafting related is in one place/UI. That makes crafting more accessible and easier to understand for first time users! [h3]2. Planning out our story [i](it gon be good)[/i][/h3] Due to the testing and reviewing we did also recognized that our story is a bit too chill. Because we originally planned to have a very slice of lifey storytelling the storyline and characters felt a bit disconnected. That’s why we reworked our story and connected some dots. We’ll probably be changing smaller things up until our story is fully written (which will be within next year) but the basic framework is done. We’ll reveal some of it in the future! But for now we’ll only give you some breadcrumbs: [i]Golembert just woke up from a a coma, many years have passed since he was wounded in a fight, the bad guys seem to have left, the island is desolated, you’ll rebuild stuff, build up friendships, but then a new bad guy ascends…[/i] THE SUSPENSE [h3]3. Doing soci media and stuff ~~~[/h3] We started doing social media just a week after we made our Steam page and during that absent week Indie Freaks Japan already tweeted about us which really overwhelmed us in a positive way! (if you’d like to see what’s been going on, [url=]see our Twitter here[/url]) Since then we spend a lot of time catching up with all the sweet peeps that reposted us in different languages (like Japanese or Spanish) on Twitter and also in the comment section of our DevLog on YouTube. What? You didn’t watch our DevLog?? Well, it’s about time that [url=]you check it out here[/url]!!! [/olist] [h2]So that’s our top three things we are doing right now![/h2] Do you still feel that you need more information, engagement or parasocial contact? Then feel free to follow us on [url=]Twitter[/url] or [url=]Instagram[/url], watch our [url=]DevLog on YouTube[/url] or even enjoy a well ripened [url=]TikTok[/url] from us on your porch with some vegan soft cheese and white bread. We hope you have a wonderful day – really appreciate all of your support!!! Have a good nights sleep and don’t forget to water your plants today! XOXO Alicia and Lion [previewyoutube=bakM-3sawOI;full][/previewyoutube]