May 24 Update


Manage and decorate your own magical garden as the Gardener Golem Bert. Craft potions, make friends and deal with the bureaucratic hurdles of landownership!

[i][h1]Saluton miaj amikoj![/h1][/i] ... means “Hello my friends!” in Esperanto, the official language of the European Union. This weekend we EUpeans (as we call ourselves) get to vote our parliament. [i]Exciting![/i] But before one can make a conscious vote they must know what each party stands for. [h2]Therefore we want to [b]officially announce[/b] the dees and doos we did within the last month:[/h2] [h3]1. We made all our main quests playable![/h3] What a big achievement! [b]All 14 main quests are now fully playable.[/b] And while that sounds like we are ready to launch our game it just means that all quests fire at the right time and work properly :-) [i](which is still great!)[/i] Yet the quest goals need to be balanced (we will probably add different ‘difficulty’ options in the menu that enable you to make them require more or less ressources) and all side and random quests still need to be written and implemented. [h3]2. We came up with all the items, the map of your archipelago and the final potion map![/h3] We had a loose plan for all of these departments before but now that we planned them out on a whiteboard there is really nothing except for maybe a sponge that could stop us from implementing them! For the potion map [b]we added 79 new items containing 27 potions[/b]. The archipelago map will contain [b]21+ islands[/b]. You can send your garden sprites (temporary called Herbits) to them to get seeds or items. [h3]3. We designed Phospher and Sulfer and added their first portraits![/h3] Phospher and Sulfer are [b]two (out of seven) NPCs we didn’t announce yet[/b] (so feel spoilered!). They communicate with you via letter but you will still see their cute but cheeky portraits when doing so. Can’t wait to show them to you in the future! :-) If you want to check out our character design process you can watch [url=]this video about the design of Susu, the pirate captain[/url]! [h2]Puhh! That was a lot of text! Wow, what?? [i]It keeps going???[/i] [b]What are you doing?!?![/b][/h2] [h3]Literally: what are we doing right now?[/h3] [h3]1. Designing secret character number 3![/h3] It is a magician that doesn’t enjoy life anymore. Why, you might ask? Will their name be announced in the next monthly Steam udpate? And what does the number 3 have to do with this?? We will never know. But seriously: this character will brrrrrrrr. [h3]2. Making composting, placeable objects and fields work![/h3] Composting, POs and fields sound boring as hell BUT they are really important for our game! The [b]compost [/b] produces soil that is as essential as water for your crops. It has a multi-chambered system that can be unlocked over time. [b]POs [/b]are essentially anything you place in your garden that is not a crop – so every pot, lamp or decorative item! And [b]fields [/b]are POs that can contain one or multiple crops – like raised beds for example. They all work in mysterious ways and therefore they have to work – work – work it out. We′ll make things right, the sun will shine – If we work, work, there'll be no doubt – We can still save the summer – If we work this out. [h3]3. Planning out a new devlog...[/h3] What? [b]You didn’t know that we are uploading monthly devlogs on YouTube??[/b] Wow. [i]What are you doing with your life?!?[/i] If you want to fill that endless knowledge gap in your resume: [url=]check out our YouTube channel[/url] aaaand STAY TUNED – because we’ll probably upload another video next week! [i]Or the week after next week![/i] [h2]Now you’ve reached the end of this blog post – congratulations![/h2] Your retina is probably already dry and needs a blink. So do it! Blink! And don’t forget to vote this Sunday if you’re living in the EU!!! xoxo Golemgirl [previewyoutube=5AS5wOBbWKY;full][/previewyoutube]