July 24 update


Manage and decorate your own magical garden as the Gardener Golem Bert. Craft potions, make friends and deal with the bureaucratic hurdles of landownership!

[i][h1] Hello Julias! [/h1][/i] This update comes a bit late but who isn’t late [i]sOmEtImEs[/i]??? [h2]The following is the current [i]talk of the ton[/i]: [/h2] [h3]1. We translated the game in all languages we have on Steam! [/h3] We started the translation process last month after preparing for it for a while and BOOM: we translated our game into 7 languages! The game will be available in [b]English, German, Simplified English, French, Spanish, Simplified Chinese, Japanese, and Portuguese[/b] on launch! These translations aren't professional translations (because we did them ourselves). Our game was written in German and English and is intended to be played in these languages - but if you are not fluent in one of these two you are more than welcome to play the game in any of the other language available! :-) [h3]2. We implemented all sidequests! [/h3] After finishing our 23 main quests (which all had to add to a coherent storyline) we had a bit fun and added 32 sidequests to the game! These are not important for the main quests and are/can be sprinkled in between the main quests or can be absolved after you finished all the main quests. Not sure if that really works out but our calculations are that [b]IF [/b]every quest takes about 15 minutes to absolve (plant crops, grow them, harvest them, process them, return their products) this will lead to an astonishing [b]13h+ of playtime for a complete playthrough[/b]!!!! (errors and omissions excepted) [h3]3. Alicia finished her master’s thesis! [/h3] Wow, [b]you didn’t know that Alicia was doing her master’s WHILE working on Golembert?[/b] I didn’t know either! (I did) But just this month she finished her impressive[b] 93 PAGES long thesis[/b]! So let’s celebrate with her!!!!!! [h2]Congratulations, Alicia! [/h2] [h3]We love you, we appreciate you. But what are you/we doing now?[/h3] [h3]1. We are working on a new YouTube video! [/h3] This one is going to be a design process video again made by the one and only [i]Alicia Keys[/i]. It will focus on the environmental design of the upper garden, its inhabitants, and its vehicles (it includes the Trade Co.'s ship design) – [i]exciting[/i], right?? [url=https://www.youtube.com/@studiofirlefanz]Follow us on YouTube[/url] and ring the bell if you don’t want to miss any of our future videos! [h3]2. We are adding random quests and fun little easter egg dialogues! [/h3] You know me (Lion): I hated writing dialogue at the start of Golembert but after we reworked the storyline, the characters and everything in our game for multiple times because we were just [i]girl so confusings[/i] I started liking writing dialogues. That’s why writing our sidequests (though they are not as [i]godly [/i]written as the main quests) motivated me to add even MORE random quests and dialogues! HURRAY!! So if you’re not ready for a story (or two) you are not ready for this game, boy. [h3]3. We are making all ingame item icons final! [/h3] The endless circle of ‘finishing stuff up’ is continuing! This time we are finishing up the item icons (of which mostly the potion icons are still missing). There is still a lot of stuff like this to do so you will probably hear things like: ‘We reworked our UI!’, ‘We added all character portraits!’, or ‘We added garden furniture!’ in the future. [h2]But let’s keep the future being![/h2] Life is too short to worry about everything, life is too long to cry over a couple years. Stay slay! xoxo Gogemgert [previewyoutube=irMiPwLefwg;full][/previewyoutube]