August 23 Update


Manage and decorate your own magical garden as the Gardener Golem Bert. Craft potions, make friends and deal with the bureaucratic hurdles of landownership!

[h1]Hi everyone![/h1] Hope you’re doing great over there! Oh, wait what... It has already been a month since our [url=]first community post[/url]? Really?! Well, that means it’s about time for a follow up! [h2]So what happened in our last four weeks?[/h2] [h3]1. Wholesome Games recommended Golembert!!![/h3] Just like last month when we got retweeted by [url=]Indie Freaks Japan[/url] and [url=]Namurii[/url] (love you!) and didn’t realize that for days we needed almost two weeks to realize that WHOLESOME GAMES RECOMMENDED US!!! They did it while we were on vacation in the baltic countryside but it’s almost a meme right now with us being behind on every social media event that happens to us. We love Wholesome Games very much and their recommendation made our month!!! [url=]Check them out[/url] if you haven’t heard of them! [h3]2. We reworked our crafting system (majorly) & our island design (minorly)[/h3] Our crafting system is now an astral node based puzzle thingy! One can move from node to node to unlock new recipes and craft them. It’s cooler and way more intuitive than it sounds, we promise! If you want to check it out stay tuned until our next devlog drops on YouTube next month! Whaaat? You haven’t seen our devlogs??? Check them out [url=]here[/url]! [h3]3. We didn’t attend Gamescom because we were ill :([/h3] Though we had Fachbesucher tickets from the Stiftung Digitale Spielekultur we didn’t attend Gamescom because we got sick. Lion doesn’t really like trade fairs anyway so he wasn’t mad about it but Alicia had major FOMO. Did you have any hard feelings about Gamescom? [h2]And more importantly: what are we currently doing??[/h2] [h3]1. Finishing our island design[/h3] A lot of areas of our island weren’t finished though one could already playtest our game in the past for about 2 hours. We already tidied up the harbor, beach, and grotto area. Right now we are finishing the upper garden, forest, and watchtower! We made a devlog about our island design this month too which you can check out [url=]here[/url]! [h3]2. Designing our new introductory NPCs[/h3] When the garden design is done we’ll design our new introductory NPCs. Because of last months story rework the current starting NPCs Frieda and Brunja will sadly not be the first NPCs beside Helio one meets in the game. Instead one will meet fierce Susu and her crew as well as the cunning Trade Co! [h3]3. Ideating Herbies[/h3] Beside our new node based crafting system we also want to add two other secondary systems that compliment the main gardening system. One of them are the so called Herbies which are small spirits inhabiting your island. You’ll be able to send them on resource gathering missions to other islands of your archipelago and help them expand their small settlements. Cuuute! [h2]How has your past month been?[/h2] Hope you’re well and optimistic. So we’ll probably hear from each other again in about 28 days. Therefore have 28 good night sleeps and don’t forget to water your plants today! XOXO Alicia and Lion [previewyoutube=iHU-83DmXx0;full][/previewyoutube]